
1 year, 4 months ago


Batstar of Mooreclan
Name Batstar

Former Names Bat

Gender Male

Orientation Heterosexual

Apprentice N/A

Rank Leader

Residence Mooreclan


Batstar is a long and tail all black tom with thick but short fur. His eyes are a piercing golden color and are often set in a glare. He has a notch out of the top of his left ear and a scar across his nose.

Design notes
  • The notch in his ear is from a TNR program.
  • His tail is about the same length as his body.
  • His fur is always kind of messy.

Batstar is an angry tom to say the least. He always has a scowl on his face and if he's speaking to you it's usually in a demeaning way. His honches are usually up and it seems like he's always looking around for what might attack him next. The only place he seems to relax at all is in camp where he feels safe with his clanmates. He is often quite critical of everyone, but he thinks it's to help better those around him. He is one to respect the criticisms of his clanmates though, as he is very open with his communication even if he comes off harsh. He's simply looking out for the betterment of everyone. The only cat he never criticizes and almost always listens to is Juniperleaf, his trusted confidant and medicine cat.

To any cat outside of the clan he is aggressive and rude, coming off incredibly cold and calculated. He's always trying to find ways to expand the territory of his clan and get them more than what they have, even if it means crushing another clan in the process. He has a healthy respect for both Oakstar and Sootstar, as they clan sizes basically triple his, but often butts heads with Hailstar, who he sees as weaker. He is a cat the vaules strength and morals over all.

  • the smell of herbs
  • content
  • content
  • Twolegs
  • content
  • content


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan

Batstar, born as just Bat, was the kit of two cats in a cat colony in the city. He was one of 4 and the runt of the litter. His siblings would often bully him and try to beat him up because he was much smaller than them, and this went on for a while until a she-cat he has been born around the same time as, Juniper, stood up for him and fought with his siblings. From that moment on they became inseperable, Juniper often fighting with his siblings and earning scars in his defense because she refused to back down.

As they got older the two would get into plenty of trouble together, exploring backyards and even entering into twoleg houses to steal food. They were warned many times by olders cats to stop but they never listened. This triggered the twolegs to start coming around. At first they were just hanging around, looking, but then they started leaving food. Many cats, warry at first, ended up giving in as food was getting scarcer and scarcer with how big the group was getting. Cat started to dissapear, kits and females at first. Juniper never trusted the food and would often encourage Bat to stay away, the two watching from a distance. Some cats were returned though, and seemed fine. They smelled weird and the amount of kits being born started to lessen, allowing the colony to eat better. So Bat though it couldn't be all bad.

He was wrong, however. He had entered the shiny metal thing that had food in it and was trapped. He yowled and called for help and Juniper rushed to his aid but was unable to get him out, having to run and watch from a distance as the twolegs came back and took him. Bat tried to scare them off and fight them as much as his could, scratching and biting at everything that came near, but then he felt a prick in his neck and he fell asleep. He woke back up, in a different box, feeling out of it. His lower half hurt and his ear felt sore. but he was alive still, much to his surprise. In a few days he was dropped off back where his colony was and he ran to find Juniper, who was so excited to see her love.

The two had admitted they were in love and became mates, sticking mostly to themselves. They attempted to have kits many times, but it was discovered that the twolegs had stopped his ability to mate, which broke his heart. It wasn't a bother to Juniper though, who loved him dearly regardless. Things were calm for a few moons, until Bat ended up getting into a massive argument with his mother after one of his brothers had slashed him across the nose and he has badly injuried him in return. He was kicked out of the colony, Juniper and a few other cats following as they felt he was right to defend himself.

They wandered on their own for some time, picking up a few more cats here and there, before Juniper was given a vision from the Ancestors to have them join the clans. She came to him with this vision and they thought it over before deciding to go, following the starry cat's nightly directions. When they made it to the territory they were greeted by large patrols of cats welcoming them, telling them that they had expected their arrival. They stayed with Birchclan for a few nights before setting out into the Moore to find their own camp. They settled and made their home there, Bat communing with the ancestors in the mountain cave to recieve his nine lives. He became Batstar and gave his clanmates their warrior names, appointing Juniperleaf as his medicine cat.


  • Bat — For his black coat
  • Star — He is the leader of Mooreclan.
  • He is infertile because he was TNRed before leaving the cat colony.
  • He's very self-concious about his size, despite being a large cat now.


"You lead us here Juniperleaf, I trust your judgment"

Batstar trusts Juniperleaf more than any other cat in his clan. They were both a part of the same coloney and grew up together and fell in love in their younger years. They left the colony together and formed Mooreclan after Juniper had a vision from the Ancestors.


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