Haruki Okumura



1 year, 1 month ago




NAME: Haruki Okumura

AGE: 24

GENDER: Male, he/him

HEIGHT: 5'5 | 165cm


PLACE OF BIRTH: Tidepool Cove



RANK: Rookie

ABILITY: Water Absorb


HP: 10

ARMOR: 2 (+1 from Weapon)

STR: 2

DEX: 3

CHA: -2

MND: 2

REC: 1


PERSONALITY: Perfectionist- Romantic - Diligent - Naive - Prideful - No Filter

Everything Haruki does is with precision, careful planning, and more energy than some can muster! Haruki would rather work a whole day on a project than for a minute than chance a failing grade. If Haruki feels an idea he has is sound, and doesn’t work the first time, he’ll try another 20 times, just to make sure it’s not possible. Nothing can stop this man once he has his mind set on something.

Everything Haruki touches must be perfect. From his hair, to his clothes, to the way he stands still when there’s no one looking. When he attempts something, he assures himself that the calculations are correct and that he can do it perfectly on the first try. What good does it do him if he fails? Haruki sometimes even finds himself obsessively fixing the positions of furniture, or commenting on another’s appearance if he feels it needs “fixing”. He tries this with no malice, of course, he’s just terribly socially awkward.

Coming from a home that was simultaneously sheltered and rigorous in its training has left Haruki with a smaller world perspective, even after a few years of being a knight in training! He has a tendency to believe others when they speak, even if they're lying. Not out of having faith in other people's honesty, but because he is way too confident in the idea that no one would ever lie to a noble knight such as himself! He also has a tendency to say the wrong thing at all the right times. Either due to his overconfidence, or his naivety, Haruki will often overstep boundaries without realizing, or fail to follow social cues, much to the dismay of those around him and his own embarrassment.

When Haruki loves something, he loves it! When he recalls his hobbies, or things that have piqued his interest, he has a tendency to ramble excitedly about them. When he solves mysteries, it makes his heart skip a beat! He lives for the adventure of it all, finding enjoyment in the smallest of things, even if he would be ostracized for it, Despite his father's uptight upbringing, and his mother's "Always be Positive" mindset, Haruki has fostered a complicated relationship with his heart. Despite this, Haruki has a soft spot for the romantic arts. He indulges himself in fantasizing things, wanting to understand the feelings behind some of the greatest acts one can perform. Doing things for love, or for drama are a few examples of truly noteworthy things in his eyes. He also has a capacity to feel great sadness and empathy for people, but decides that it’s for the better not to tackle those feelings. Yay for being a fully grown adult man not in touch with his feelings!

LIKES: Rainy days, Training, Sparring, Singing

DISLIKES: Lazy people, bug pokemon, boredom, crowded spaces


Born to a noble family that resides just outside Tidepool Cove in Armonia, Haruki Okumura was the first child of prominent and noble knight Ichiro and noblewoman Sakura. While Ichiro travels across Armonia, protecting people from harm, Haruki's mother Sakura stays home, maintaining their family's role as community leaders. Haruki was born with the expectation that he would either stay in Tidepool Cove with his mother, or he would train to become a knight.

Haruki knew that even from birth, he had big shoes to fill. The Okumura family is large, and spread wildely throughout the region, falling short of the fairy wilds and the other dangerous wildlands many dare not travel. Various occupations of the lesser family members are landowners, farmers, fishermen, and other vital roles necessary to keep their communities running. Ichiro, Haruki's father, is the head of this family, and is training Haruki from birth to someday inherit his role and continue the family legacy.

Haruki was taught many things as a young boy, with the intention that he would be the most important member of his family someday, even surpassing his Knight father. The words being fed into his ear from both of his parents made him confident in his abilities, and eager to make them proud. He even came to neglect his own younger brother Shoji, and saw him as lesser competition that he had to best to continue holding his seat at the head of the table, next to his parents.

From the day he turned 8 years old, Haruki began a strict and intense training regimen by his father in preparation to enter the Corviknights when he was of proper age. He (at first) was eager to work, exercise, spar, and train to be physically and mentally at his peak performance. Not a day goes by without Haruki being reminded that he must honor their Okumura name. Over the years of rigorous training, he has learned to carry himself like nobility, and to constantly make a show of his strength and intelligence, to be a symbol of the Okumura family strength.

When Haruki had turned 18 years old, his parents' relationship began to fracture, and the two had decided to "separate amicably". This was the first fracture of Haruki's life, and it only continued to grow more unstable. His training became more rigorous, and his mother Sakura demanded that Haruki "do something with his life". With the push from his mother, Haruki knew he had to become something. She had planned his life from the day he was born, in fact, from before he was born! She knew who he was to marry someday, and what his legacy would look like, and he was never to stray from this plan, and time's running out! Though he had his doubts of joining the Corviknights, Haruki knew that he would have a level of freedom he did not have at home, and decided to throw himself into it, despite his reservations.

For the last 6 years of Haruki's life, he has been training as a Corviknight in Lumiose village, forcing himself to find pride in his occupation, and to bring honor to his family's name. The rigorous work and dull armor made the theatrical and romantic Haruki bored quickly, uncertain if this was the life he wished to live. But one day, he spotted Dan Rodriguez carrying himself with a layer of flamboyance and nobility, and knew in his heart of hearts that he had to become an Eevee Guard! He donned bright blues to match his Vaporeon, Tempest, and abandoned his ultra serious and gritty training with his father for something a little more his speed.

Arrow | Wingull | Scout |

Keen Eye: The Pokémon’s keen eyes prevent its accuracy from being lowered.


Aerial Ace
Water Pulse

EXTRAS: Haruki met Arrow when he began training as a hatchling Corviknight. He fed the hungry Wingull some of his food, and the two became an allied pair ever since.

Tempest | Vaporeon | Rogue |

Water Absorb: If hit by a Water-type move, the Pokémon has its HP restored instead of taking damage.


Double Kick
Aurora Beam
Quick Attack
Muddy Water

EXTRAS: As a right of passage to show his strength and ability to work with pokemon, Haruki's father Ichiro gave him an Eevee to work with, and a water stone, as per their family tradition. When he and his Eevee were ready, he would evolve her, and that would be his closest companion to work with. Haruki is closest to Tempest, and enjoys doing everything with her. He could never ask for a better Vaporeon to work with.

Hero | Bibarel | Defender |

Unaware: When attacking, the Pokémon ignores the target’s stat changes.


Defense Curl
Water Gun
Super Fang

EXTRAS: Haruki met a Bidoof when he was a young man, training hard and overworking himself by a river. He collapsed into the water, exhausted, and the Bidoof had grabbed him and dragged him back to shore, possibly saving his life. He named the Bidoof a Hero, and his name stuck. From that day on, Haruki chose Bidoof, and trained alongside him until he evolved into Bibarel. While he may not be the "partner pokemon" Haruki works most with, Hero is the rock that Haruki always can lean on in times of trouble.

Crackle | Drilbur | Fighter |

Sand Rush: Boosts the Pokémon’s Speed in a sandstorm.


Metal Claw
Rock Slide

EXTRAS: Crackle is the newest member of Haruki's team! Having met him in the caves he helped explore, he came across a Drilbur that was eager to show his abilities! After Haruki had outmaneuvered him, the two bonded, and Haruki promised to make Crackle stronger with him by his side!