Mitzi's Literatures

2 months, 27 days ago
3535 2

Explicit Violence


  • This entire work is Razz having a mental breakdown/break and viciously lashing out at the members of his team. So. Keep that in mind.
  • Physical violence and verbal abuse is involved towards Razz, his surroundings, and his employees. (Aka basically Workplace Abuse)
  • Seriously if you don’t want to read about Razz having a moment you probably shouldn’t read this. He gets insane here. Like very insane.
  • Kidnapping/experimentation is mentioned briefly.
  •  There is a graphic description of Razz (a grown man) threatening Eon (a teenager) with harm if he talks about how he was abused in the lab.
  • Unreality? Sort of? Razz loses perception of reality at moments it’s weird. Just keep that in mind
  • Brief mention/implication of alcoholism because a lot of this happens because Razz is drunk as hell
  • There is a high chance I got stuff about Roman poetry wrong. Sorry if I did LOL I’m no ancient historian I’m just a silly guy who thought it’d be funny to fun fact this emo ass thing
  • I need to stop having each of my writing things have 24678254254 warnings this has to end. Enjoy

Razz doesn’t take the news of Eon’s escape very well.