Marduk The Monster



6 years, 5 days ago


  • Attributed song: Aqualung- By Jetro Tull
  • Race: Briton, children's of the high mountains. People with superhuman strength and toughness.
  • Age and place of birth: Both unknown, presumably in his early 30´s
  • Relationship with his/her infancy: The man that would latter be know as "Marduk The Monster" was born out of wedlock to parents who one presumed were brothers. Riddled with diseases due to his endogamic nature and natural deformities thanks to absorbing his twin brother in the womb, he was abandoned at a young age. At the age of seven he served in a church, working with his inhuman strength to move bricks and carry on logs on top of his back. Facing discrimination due to his horrible appearance he slept in the streets much of his life, stealing what he could and taking on to many beatings when the local populous, superstitious in nature blame him for all the problems that foreigners brought on. His mental problems, inhuman strength and short temper quickly develop into a person resentful to society for the lack of empathy and support they had showed them, seeing the worst of human nature. At the age of 12 he was inducted into the house of a petty noble as the jester, a jester that one could punch in the face and would not even flinch a little. 
  • Relationship with his/her adolescence: At least in the noble men house they would feed him, and make sure that they never hit him enough to almost kill him. Was the best treat he receive in his entire life. One time, he got lost in the woods when trying to catch a squirrel with his own hands, and lost track of the way to come back home, nobody went for him and quickly was starving in the forest. Until a sell-sword found him, listen to his story and weep with him, never in his life having listened to a sad story, he decided to teach the boy to hold a sword, trying to make his life a little bit easier by giving him the means to defend himself. His logic was that, if the boy could use what little intelligence he had for something useful, a greater tragedy could be averted The Sell-sword called himself "Cedric", and led the boy back to his house. Having learned to carry and use a sword, the noble make the boy the new executioner, preparing him to the horror that awaited him in the future. Cedric of Ondaeron later would learn to lament on his decision, although he make them with good intentions
  • Relationship with his/her family: He never knew what became of his family, having forgot about them long time ago. He never in his short life considered nobody a family of his, not even the pirates and reavers that accompany him in his many campaigns across the seas to pillage and plunder. He sees them as his soldiers, rats and butchers to send against everyone he dosnt like. 
  • Relationship with space: The only place he called home was the court that he worked first as a jester and then as an executioner, having been granted an executioner sword to do his work, killing many who where deserving, and many who were not. He had no love for his home, or the city that he lived in. And, when a disseased strike the city, the Red Taint, as they called it, he was tasked, along with the royal guards to cleanse the city, burning all people infected. The city burned to ashes, houses, churches, even the nobles houses. All was burned to wipe out the disease. The city burning and the blood of the innocent who once berated him finally drove the poor boy mad, and when some Dark Masters of foreign lands come to his aid, he offered the city´s remains as a sacrifice for their old gods. From now on, he was tasked to visit the places that they ordered and raze it to the ground with his fellow warriors, using a ship made of the fingernails of the dead´s in the city. 
  • Relationship with his own body: His body is heavily deformed, having absorbed his twin in the womb, now carrying the arms and leg of him sprouting from his back and belly. Legends say that he absorbed even the strength o him, because he is far more stronger than your average Briton. Even sword has troubles penetrating his thick skin. His face exhibits the common facial features of a child with down syndrome. After years of emotional and physical abuse, after seeing himself in the mirror, he considers himself not much but a monster, acting like one. 
  • Relationship with his profession:  He now is an instrument of forces he will never understand, becoming an agent of dark forces that order him to rape, pillage and plunder far away lands that they point out. For that task, they have given him a sword befitting a monster. His old executioner sword was reforged using the iron in the blood of all the innocents he had killed as an executioner and during the cleansing of the city, now carrying in the iron the same disease that urge him to cleanse the city. The new sword he uses during his entire career as a pirate and reaver was called "Big Iron". He named it himself. During twelve long years he pillage and sacked city's, killed heroes and knights contracted to kill him. He raped and burned, killed and maimed. making a bloody trail to exact revenge on the people that once hated him, now having the means to counter attack all the wrongdoings that people make him.
  • Relationship with society: He harbors a deep rage and hate for society as a whole, being left abandoned as a little boy for his own parent, who he never knew. He felt alone during his entire life, as an outcast everywhere he went, living in the fringes of society. Nothing that contempt is in the hearth of this individual. His actions are not for the faint of hearth, and his demise even less.