Zhureth of Ypres



6 years, 5 days ago


  • Nombre: Zhureth of Ypres
  • Atributed song: Man On The Silver Mountain.
  • Age and place of birth : 19 years old . Ypres, Paschendale, Albion continent.
  • Relationship with her infancy: Her mother died at child-birth, because of that never had an education too feminine and from a young age felt attracted to the blacksmithing job of her father, learning as soon as she could what her father cost a lifetime to learn, forging her first sword at age twelve, visiting frequently the small-town in search of sailors or guards to be taught in combat like them. There she would only find an unmerciful defeat or a cruel rejection; despite that her hunger to learn the use of the sword only grew and within it a respect for the figure of the warrior in general. This way she learns how to resist the strikes of life, having more adult friends; often the members of the city garrison that had grew used to the constant presence of the girl, than the kids, who reject her for her manly attitude and the lack of a mother provoking isolation or bulling from them.
  • Relationship with her adolescence: At sixteen, taking a walk into the woods was kidnaped by Hrismarians, looters and slavers from across Ultramar, and then sold to a group of angels who used her and hundreds of other slaves in the construction of a temple in a mountain chain. There is where her personality would suffer its more significant transformation, as a result of the language isolation and the impotence within the whole situation which would mark her forever, turning her into an isolated and glum person, with emphasis in the lack of care that she always felt from her father. There she also would discover in a terrible way her sexuality, being constantly assaulted and raped by the guards of the place or the master of slaves in turn, generating an absolute rejection to the act itself.
  • Relationship with her family: Only having her father as a direct relative, and even if he never was a man of many words he did loved his daughter and tried to show her in small and subtle attitudes, hard to comprehend by the little Zhureth, who felt like she needed more of him due to her strong feeling of loneliness and absence of friends.
  • Relationship with space: By now she lives in the Abed Nego temple, deep in the country of Kathopolis, a temple which has been three hundred years in construction, with slaves carving directly from the stone, like a hundred of marble sculptors, needing too much human time, but being less than a sigh for the immortal angels. Her dream, a frustrated one, is the one where she’ll escape and be back with her father, even though she doesn’t keep many hopes to find him alive by then but needing to return to somewhere familiar.
  • Relationship with her own body: She is about five feet tall, reasonably slender, but still very muscular, with contoured legs, a wide back, straight dark coppery hair reaching almost her waist, hazel eyes, a small scar on her nose from a cut that she received when didn’t obeyed the master of slaves, and a nose that stands out a little due to its length. Her strangely turned and shaped body is due to the fact that the team of slaves with whom she works are the ones in charge of removing the sections of the heaviest and hardest stone, for which the owners tried to give her and her companions the best diet, necessary to be able to increase its efficiency when working. Beyond that, her own aesthetic has never something of her interest, she doesn’t care to look or be pretty. For her, the best clothes she can wear are the ones that protect her from a direct hit: A studded leather Armor.
  • Relationship with her profession: During the three latest years of her life she was as a slave mistreated and raped, without friends or any dear ones to be attached to more than the memory of her father, who can be presumably dead by the time that has already passed since she has been taken away. It is uncertain if she has a healthy relation with her profession, but notwithstanding that she would have liked to continue her father’s profession and get to know everything that a blacksmith must know; like the metallurgic job to upstanding knowledge of medicine, which she partially has, moreover, even when her primary acquaintance is more related with animal leather treatment she can reveal wide skills on smithy, medicine, riding, etc, most of the skills needed by a blacksmith. 
  • Relationship with morality: Zhureth doesn’t have a certain definition of her own morality edges, being someone who has considered suicide like a reasonable and a definitely non-terrible way of escaping her current torment. Also, her limits to get her freedom haven’t been considered, being her most precious goal in life. Doesn’t have any problem with killing in self-defence or hurting someone in order to get what she needs; a broken arm has been her most extreme by now, but since time passes she gets colder and hardhearted with the rest, widening her valley of broken morality.         
  • Relationship with language: She’s a Glauch, people touched by thunder and storm, due to this she normally speaks and process three times fastest information than the rest, making her a bit impatient when talking form not being understood o being understood too slowly the words she has used. This situation taught her to be straight in everything she says, having also a reduced vocabulary, since she doesn’t now how to read neither writing something common for that time.
  • Relationship with society: She doesn’t believe to have a concrete place in society, since the only thing that she’s passionate at is the Blacksmithing office or the brotherhood of the sword, and the forts one would turn her in some hermit living deep down in a mountain or the other would not offer a long life expectancy. But for her, either having improved her art or ending quickly her suffering is the same as happy.