Goomy's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

CritterParade Global Rules



1) Ownership Permissions

You are welcome to change a design as much as you like, but original credit MUST still be present. Alternate designs, redesigns, outfits, and all art associated with the character must stay with the character. You CANNOT use any of these alternate designs as a separate character. If the character is sold, these must stay with it.

You may sell the design, but keep in mind the original price and added art. Don't over or under-price a design.

You can co-own a design if you want to, but I will not resolve any issues involving theft or misuse. If you choose to co-own a design, you will have to sort it out with the other person(s) that you are co-owning with.

Once you sell a character, you no longer have any rights to this character. That includes telling the next owner to ping you if they're sold again, or trying to dictate who the new owner may sell the design to. You're welcome to ASK to be pinged or arrange a trade back if no longer wanted deal, but again, I will not get involved with these.

PLEASE keep my designs where I can see them. You're welcome to change their privacy settings, but I'd prefer that I be authorized to see them. This is just so I can ensure the toyhouse profile still exists.

My character designs must NOT be deleted. Deleted designs will default back to me

Do NOT sell my designs off site. If I cannot find the owner I will again have it defaulted back to myself.

Do not use my designs for NSFW purposes. I am a minor so i’m uncomfortable with NSFW being associated with me in any way.

Art Ownership

If you own any character's that have my art attached, you're welcome to edit my art to show new versions/alt versions of the design. DO NOT delete the original image. My original art piece must still be Included

If you commission me for art, the same rules apply. Feel free to edit the piece, as long as the original drawing is still there

With that being said, you cannot trace over my art and use it for different characters.

DO NOT SELL MY CHARACTERS TO PEOPLE ON MY BLACKLIST. Everyone on my blacklist is there for a reason! If you sell one of my characters to them, I will blacklist you too. This also includes buying my art for them. Both will result in an instant blacklist