


1 year, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Pandora Polaris


Hoopa #0720 / Djinn / Anthro


Dark Mage

Gender and Pronouns

Non binary (They/Them)



Date of Birth





Chaotic neutral


Phantom Force, Hyperspace Hole, Confusion, Psychic


Personality: ESTP - Protective - Fun-loving - Proud - Sarcastic - Mischievous - Possessive

Deep down, Pandora's is very protective. Since they lack a conventional family, they place immense value on the relationships they make (even if it isn't obvious on the outside). Pandora has unwavering loyalty and devotion to those who respect and are devoted to them. Pandora assumes the role of a guardian, fiercely shielding their loved ones from harm's way. They are self-assured that borders on arrogance. Their accomplishments serve as a source of great pride, and they hold their reputation in high regard

Pandora has a vibrant spirit, they’re driven by their love for adventure and enjoy life. Their mischievous nature is a natural part of their ghost-type heritage. Pandora is a true agent of chaos. They have a sharp tongue and fondness for sarcasm. They have a tendency to view prized possessions, whether material or personal connections, with great significance. If someone captures Pandora's affections to a significant degree, they may be treated as a treasured possession. While this possessiveness stems from a place of genuine love and admiration, it can occasionally lead to trouble when boundaries are crossed or feelings of jealousy arise.


The beginnings - Far away from Home

Pandora doesn't remember exactly where they came from. They only know what was told to them by their caretaker Mavis the Mismagius. Mavis is an old witch who primarily does dark magic. Mavis was searching through the forest one day for herbs to take home when a golden ring portal opened up in front of her. Inside the portal showed stars and galaxies that captivated Mavis until something tumbled out. Then the golden ring portal quickly shrank in size and fell to the ground.

Mavis stared at the strange little creature till she remembered it as a Hoopa, the mythical djinn Pokémon. She had heard of the Pokémon only in books but never saw one in person. Mavis took the Hoopa home and cared for them till they finally woke up a day later. Mavis could tell the Hoopa was young, she assumed it wasn't good at using its portals yet and that's how it ended up here and unconscious.

When the Hoopa finally spoke to Mavis they seemed to have lost their memory. She told the Hoopa about the portal and beautiful stars she saw in them. The Hoopa was clueless about what Mavis was referring to. This poor Pokémon had nowhere to go now so Mavis decided to be their caretaker till they were old enough to take care of themself. She hoped the memories would come back to the young Hoopa.

Mavis gave Hoopa the first name Pandora and the last name Polaris. She taught Pandora everything about ghost types, dark magic and helped Hoopa use their natural portal magic. It was new to them both but they worked hard to learn it better. Pandora quickly understood their ability to create Hoop portals. It was like a natural instinct for them.

Leaving the Nest - A New Family

Pandora became more independent as the years went by. When Pandora became an adult at 18 they decided to leave Mavis's hut to see the world. None of Pandora’s memories came back to them yet but Pandora was far more focused on their new life rather than the one before the portal incident. With a kiss on the cheek and a farewell hug from Mavis, Pandora flew off to explore distant lands.

They struggled finding a place to settle after leaving Mavis. Settling down with a spouse, getting a job and having kids (which is what most people considered normal) sounded like a boring and dull life. They preferred stealing, playing tricks on people and living a life of luxury with their stolen treasures in various hidden caves or abandoned homes. They weren’t welcome in most places due to their thieving spree.

Their incredible heists didn’t go unnoticed, Pandora began to grow an audience of ghost, poison, dark and psychic type Pokémon that were awed by the Hoopa’s powers. They would visit Pandora in their many hideaways, not daring to steal their gold but instead offer their friendship. A few entertaining displays of power later and Pandora had a cult of worshipers. This cult mostly consisted of misfits, cutthroats, thieves, bandits, dark mages and other weirdos.

They didn’t mind it at the start, having people grovel at your feet for simply making a portal to a horde of gold was pretty nice. They fed Pandora, offered them trinkets and valuables, made murals of them and even refurbished an old ruin palace near Dahara village for them. This palace became their home along with many other worshippers and priests. They were Pandora’s only friends and to a certain extent family. Pandora protected those who worshiped them.

Trouble in Paradise - The end of an era

With Pandora’s new cult they were living their best life. They always had company, were well fed and their people were happy. Although not everyone was pleased with the dark influence of Pandora. Their cult had spread word of Pandora to Pokémon who didn’t like Pandora’s cult and what they stood for: living a lawless life. Parties of the wealthy class sent Sorrel the Calyrex to slay Pandora. Sorrel on his steeds rode to Dahara to complete the quest.

Sorrel struggled to actually kill Pandora, he spent many days and nights chasing the Hoopa, setting traps and even trying to turn their people against them. Pandora was too much of a spitfire and their influence was great. It wasn’t until Sorrel collaborated with mages using old magic to create a prison for Pandora. The creation of the Prison Bottle meant an end for Pandora’s reign. It took all the mages and Sorrel to catch Pandora alone and absorb the wild Pokémon into the bottle, although Pandora didn’t leave without a fight. Pandora killed Sorrel, throwing their chakram just before they were absorbed. The chakram went into Sorrel’s stomach but with his last bit of strength he closed the bottle and sealed Pandora away.

Sorrel died later due to his wounds and became a hero, while Pandora was tossed into a burial hidden away from the world. If Pandora were ever to escape the mages planned a fail safe, an unbreakable bond between the person who released them and Hoopa so Pandora would never truly be free. Pandora didn’t know why they kept them alive instead of killing them. Maybe they planned to use them later? Their form of justice? Only they know. Pandora spent years in the bottle, frozen in time unable to age, plotting their revenge on Sorrel’s bloodline and everyone who supported him. But, time was slipping away from Pandora and they fell into a deep sleep.

A New Family - The Darkness

Pandora had woken up to the sound of Pokémon in their tomb. This was common, people visited the tombs but tended to pass Pandora’s area or avoid it entirely due to their history. Pandora planned to ignore them till they sensed a shuppet, this shuppet was special, she was strong. Pandora could sense her bloodline of ruthless Banette’s, it was too enticing to ignore. Pandora attempted to speak to Karma telepathically and it worked. Pandora began to promise things to Karma that they knew all basic Pokémon wanted, wealth and happiness.

It worked on the shuppet and Pandora was finally free. Well, almost free. A magenta spirit chain appeared around their neck, strangling them and stopping them from escaping the tomb. Pandora panicked and with their eyes they followed the chain to the source which led to her ‘savior’, the shuppet. Pandora lunged at Karma, hoping chopping her head off with their chakram would set them free. Just as they were about to grab Karma’s neck with their golden claws they were hit in the stomach, it was a pain Pandora hadn’t felt in many years before everything went black.

When Pandora awoke they accepted the fact they were tethered to the shuppet. If Karma died, they would die as well. Pandora was forced to return to the home of the strangers.

Pandora didn’t really care for the issues this “Sisterhood of the Grim” had. They didn’t even care about the darkness these Pokémon were so worried about. They’d never be free again, chained to a pitiful shuppet who refuses to evolve into a stronger, more useful creature. Everyday Pandora plans how they’ll get free, until then, they can either play nice or make Karma’s life a living hell.


  • Travel through Hoops
  • Their hoops can become Chakrams
  • The Shadow Grimoire
    • They can summon this book from their portal, made of the skins and furs of the dark mages that used the book before. Its pages are filled with spells and incantations.
    • It’s entirely in an ancient language used by ghost and dark types thousands of years ago. Pandora knows it but Karma doesn’t, she will have to learn it.
    • If someone other than a ghost type tries to touch this book it phases through them leaving a gooey purple residue on them that’s hard to clean off.
    • The goo doesn’t do anything besides tell the owner that you tried to touch their Grimoire. Other than that it’s harmless and more like an inconvenient prank.
  • Switch between bound and unbound
    • Pandora is no longer bound by their prison bottle and can roam in either their bound form or unbound form.
    • The bound form Pandora spends most of their time in is mainly to appear less intimidating and more building friendly. Homes were not created with a 10 foot tall Hoopa in mind.
    • Back in Pandora’s hay-days they’d spend most of their time in their unbound form
    • Restrictions:
      • Switching between forms too frequently can make Pandora dizzy and temporarily unable to switch back for a while.
      • If Pandora is weakened in their unbound form they will return to their bound form
      • If someone creates a new prison bottle, Pandora can still be captured again
  • Hypnotize and lift objects using psychic abilities
    • Using their eyes they can hypnotize unsuspecting Pokémon into doing what they say as long as it’s within the victims capabilities.
      • This can also be used to put Pokémon to sleep
      • Music/Singing/Chanting can enhance this skill
    • Restrictions:
      • This doesn’t always work, especially ineffective on those will strong will power, psychic types or those with certain abilities
      • Can be interrupted by Pandora losing focus or the victim losing focus
    • Telekinesis allows them to move things with their mind but it can be interrupted by Pandora losing focus
  • Body Possession
    • Pandora climbs into another Pokémon and takes over their mind and body
    • Restrictions:
      • Pandora can somewhat feel their physical pain
      • They can be kicked out of the body by physical force, purification, Exorcism and being a powerful psychic type
      • Similar to hypnotism, ineffective on those will strong will power
  • Levitate / Float
  • Night vision 
Misc. Info:
  • Playlist
  • Strongest Sense: Taste
  • Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
  • Relationship Status: Single but in madly love with Aurora