


1 year, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Frankie Belanger








Male (He/Him)


Metal Absorbtion, Jet Flames




Born and raised in Argent Port Ferry, Gatt had a... rough upbringing. Not that he wasn't loved - his two moms were probably the best parents they could be under the circumstances - but being raised by two A-level supervillains really messes with one's moral compass. When his mom was arrested, and his other mom was forced into hiding in conditions that absolutely would've killed him, he was left to grow up more-or-less unsupervised. 

He turned to petty crime, robbing gas stations or convenience stores, stealing cars, vandalism, etc etc. His rap sheet has many crimes, though none of them were major enough to get him labeled a supervillain. He kinda resents that - he could totally be a supervillain if he wanted to be! 

He doesn't like to talk about the crime that got him caught - not because it's traumatic or anything. It's just incredibly embarrassing. He will punch anyone who brings it up. 

After his capture, he was put in the Argent super prison. He was held for a few months until he was "let out" - with the stipulation that he had to serve the rest of his sentence working for the local heroes. He's not thrilled about this development, but it's better than sitting in a prison cell. He's the reckless wild card that often tries to go off on his own. Guess who ends up causing the most trouble for the team? 

Despite his abilities making him more than qualified for the Force, he has no interest in joining, other than to prove that he could. He openly trash talks the Force, trying to egg them into fighting him. 500 lbs of crazy in a 150 lb body, you know how it is. He may or may not be able to back it up; none of the Force heroes have ever taken him seriously enough to indulge him. 

Due to a few bad accidents he had in his youth, he's actually a triple amputee. He hates the pitying looks he gets, so he uses his power of metal absorbtion to make all of his limbs metal. He changes up their appearance depending on his mood, including making his legs longer so he can be taller. When he isn't using or can't use his powers, he uses a wheelchair. He doesn't wanna bother with genuine prosthetics - he could never afford them when he was younger, so he got used to navigating without em. Besides, most prosthetics he could access now are too much hassle and too uncomfortable. He'd rather just pimp out his wheels. 

- True Delinquent Goon with a Secret Soft Side Behavior - You Will Absolutely Loathe Him At the Start (and maybe forever depending) - 


Metal Absorbtion: Gatt can absorb any metal he touches into his body. He can repurpose that metal into anything, though he's mostly limited to small objects or things that could fit on his body. He could make a full suit of metal, or a weapon, but anything larger/more complicated would require a lot of metal and a lot of energy.

Jet Flames: Gatt can fly using jets of flame from his hands and feet. He can use this to amplify the speed and force of his attacks. His flames are incredibly loud and, at his peak, can burn around 3,000 degrees Farenheit. It's rare for him to reach that heat, however.