Chicka (Persona)



8 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info



Awaiting Commission





Name Chicka

Alias None

Gender Female

Pronouns She/Her

Species Human

Age 24




Chicka is the persona (sona) used to represent Chickadde1. She is a truesona, meaning she is extremely similar to Chickadde1 in many ways, including appearance and personality.


Chicka is has the tendency to overthink, and can get anxious easily. She is very creative, but suffers badly from imposter syndrome. She does not like confronation, and dislikes those who are inconsiderate of others' emotions.


Height 5'5"

Weight 130 lb.

Eyes Dark Brown

Hair Soft Black

Physical Appearance

Chicka is an African American woman of average height. She has a rectangular body shape with brown skin, black hair, and brown eyes. Her eyes are narrow and hooded. Chicka's hairstyle is a chin-length, angular bob cut with bangs and long side burns.


Chicka's main outfit consists of a black and white striped crop top, black jeans, and black sneakers.

Chicka has an extensive wardrobe made up of numerous unique outfits and costumes. What she wears depends on the the time of day, season, the occasion, or even the character she is depicted with.

Design Notes

  • Chicka has narrow, hooded eyes. (example) Her eyes should not be drawn rounded.
  • Her hair is a warm black, but a cooler/darker black is acceptable to use. Her hair is not brown.
  • It is acceptable to draw her with jewelry, hair accessories, makeup/nail polish, etc.
  • You may draw her in any outfit/make new outfits for her, as long as they meet bikini area coverage standards.


  • Watching Anime / Youtube
  • Drawing
  • Crafting
  • Listening to Music


  • Gossip/Rumors Celebrities
  • Reality TV, True Crime
  • Country Music


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  • Her name was derived from Chickadde. It is a nickname she is sometimes called.
  • In general Chicka is not a picky eater and in facts like trying new foods. She enjoys spicy foods, and seafood the most.
  • She enjoys series over movies.
  • She started watching anime at 15.
  • She likes video games, but she thinks she is really bad at them, so she doesn't play them often.
  • She enjoys drawing and painting the most.


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Aqua Partner

Aqua is one of Chicka's partners. Chicka appreciates Aqua's comfort and support and is fond of her vibrant attitude. Chicka loves Aqua for her fun-loving personality, and values her comfort and support. Unlike most, Chicka acttually respsects Aqua as a real goddess, and will disagree if someone claims she is useless. She has no problem lending Aqua any money, even though there are times when she might borrow a bit too much. The two of them enjoy watching TV and having a drink togther. The two of them like watching TV and drinking wine together.

Elma Partner

Elma is one of Chicka's earliest companions. Chicka is glad to provide Elma with treats and enjoy them alongside her. They both have a love for limited edition treats. Elma manages her finances more sensibly, but Chicka is willing to lend her money when necessary. They can both also be indecisive at times. Like Aqua, Chicka acknowledges Elma's divinity as well, even though Elma isn't quite as pompous about it. Elma consults Chicka for advice on human life and culture, and Chicka indulges Elma's dragon instincts, such as her desire to be in water.


Chicka's latest romantic interest is Tomoyasu Chikazoku, also known by his code name Skeptic. Their romance bloomed sometime after meeting on the job. They both work in the communications field (in graphic design and information technology, respectively). Apart from his looks, Chicka considers his sharp mind to be extremely attractive. Tomoyasu is a cold, psychologically manipulative person who believes most people are inferior to him, but spending time with Chicka has made him more approachable to an extent, in part because of her emotional sensitivity and reasonable outlook on life. His professional and social life has significantly improved as a result. In exchange, Tomoyasu's advice has given Chicka more confidence in handling difficult situations. They share a deviously playful dynamic. She admires Tomoyasu's name, but she readily acknowledges that she is too lazy to call him anything other than "Skeptic," which secretly makes him unhappy.


Another one of Chicka's partners is Tomura Shigaraki. Because they have had bad relationships with family members in the past, they have been able to enjoy an intimate, specific closeness. Despite his skin condition, Chicka isn't turned off because she has personal experience with the discomfort that skin conditions may bring. She gladly helps Tomura with certain personal grooming tasks, including shampooing his hair and putting moisturizer on him. She is deeply appreciative that Tomura has enough trust in her to let her stay within his personal space. Though Tomura won't acknowledge it, Chicka has contributed to improving his perception of himself. They enjoy playing video games together, though Tomura teases Chicka for not being particularly skilled at them.

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