HABIT (King Habit - AU)



5 years, 10 months ago


King HABIT - 1300 years old - Alicorn 

Habit is a ruthless ruler of other parts of Equestria , him and his cousins , Vincent and Evan are not on very good terms. Habit is also married to the Queen of the Changelings, Chrysalis. She and Habit are perfect for one another in all honesty. They have together three children , and Chrysalis has another son from a previous relationship with the Lord of Chaos. They lead a mighty army of ponies and changelings alike and live in their palace in the Crystal Mountains. There is a village below their castle where all sorts of ponies and changelings live, 

The territories they govern together are 

- Changeling Territory
- Crystal Territory
- Appleoosa
- Western Equestria
- The Everfree Forest
- The Badlands

and other smaller surrounding areas 

They have several ponies who help them with things 

- Tempest Shadow
Head of their Royal Guard, a loyal and fierce captain

- Twilight Sparkle
A very loyal unicorn that helps organize events

- Pinkamena Diane Pie
Chef for the palace

- Rarity
Designer of costumes and armor

- Fluttershy
Garden keeper