


1 year, 1 month ago



TŌru Mikage

“my name is Tōru, sure as hell got no time for your nonsense.”

name: Tōru Mikage
Height: 160cm
age: 16
gender: Male (He/Him)
race: Human
orientation: Bi
Employement: Demon slayer corps
occupation:Internal security

As a result of his accomplishments Tōru has officially been given the role of internal security hashira within the Demon Slayer Corps, which is similar to that of a military police officer or internal security agent. His new responsibility involves interrogation, and eliminating or detaining any rogue demon slayers or humans who aid demons. Tōru assists with all trials that may take place, he is in charge of organising and collecting data and evidence to present it. Because of role, many of his peers and lower ranked slayers have grown to be intimidated of him.


To outsiders, Tōru is incredibly harsh and dismissive, with self-discipline that can only be gained with intense training and commitment.He’s loyal and dedicated to Ubuyashiki’s cause, and he won’t let anything get in the way of succeeding in his goals. Despite his distant personality and tendency to be dismissive, he can be surprisingly self aware and impulsive and a massive swearheart when gotten to known. Overall, He’s a complex and multi-faceted person who has been through a lot but has persevered and overcome his trauma.

Tōru appears to just go through the motions of his job without really caring about anyone or anything except completing the task at hand. However underneath this veil of his is a seemingly paranoid young lad, suspicious of everyone. He is always waiting for something bad to happen from everyone which can lead to him into a spiral of distrusting his friends at times, becasue of his he has become mosy and may often have sudden outburst whcih is a result of his job... His apathetic nature often makes others feel uncomfortable and uncertain around him, it can be difficult to get close to him or connect on any level wihtout really trying.

Although he presents himself this way, his inner needs are quite different. He is a young boy who is in need of love and trustimg friendships. He needs to believe in people and be able to be vulnerable without fear. He also needs to feel valued and worth something to someone. Having true friends and feeling accepted helps him feel more grounded in the world and give him a sense of purpose and belonging.







  • Udon
  • Hot Tea
  • punctuality
  • Beans
  • Dishonesty
  • Demons

  • His closest ( and probably only) friend is mitsuri
  • He reminds her of her younger brother!
  • His engagement with others varies on his mood and who he is with, he's like a open book. sometimes conversations take awkward turn and starts to sound like a interrogation.

  • Tōru (済) meaning: "finish, complete and save”.
  • Mikage (海景) meaning:”sea” and “sunlight”.

Tōru's hair has grown long overtime, to the point that now he has to tie it up for convenience sake. Tōru is never seen withiut his detective style coat, it's bascially a part of him.

Tōru's most identifiable feature of his outfit is the cap he wears, it resembles that of what a police wears but modified to fit in with his corps outfit (and make him loook taller). On the centre there is the wisteria symbol with the kanji for 'destroy'. He is also wearing a red aiguillette to symbolise his rank.


Growing up

Toru was born into your typical family. However as he grew up he would encounter more and more misfortunate events. Deaths of friends,relatives,family business going downhill, destroyed homes, infidelity, illness, poverty, you name it, Tōru has been at the scene of each and every disaster. At some point, he almost became the victim of a demon that was close to a feast, but he was saved by a demon slayer that happened to be from his village passing by. After this Tōru continued living hIs life as per usual recovering from the scary incident. Ever since then she seemed to be everywhere he went...it was starting to get out of hand

The ecnounter

Tōru was walking home one night and he noticed a random comb lying on the floor, and out of curiosity, he picked it up. When he turned around he came face-to-face with the woman that previoudly saved him. The woman's obsession quickly turned into creepy, unwanted advances as she began to Persue him, kimdly he returned it and the woman became enamoured. He was so freaked out by her unwanted and aggressive advances that he lied about having a fiancé in an attempt to turn her down. However she didn't take too kindly to his rejection, and angrily snatched her comb out of his hand breaking it in the process before hurrying off. While a part of Tōru felt guilty for rejecting her there was only so much he could take, it was starting to make him uncomfortable.

Bad news

The following day, Tōru woke up to bad news. One of the village’s young maidens had been murdered last night. And then Tōru remembered he had a ‘fiancé.’ He didn’t really care about this girl, and had no feelings for her at all, but it appeared this was a case of his bad luck just playing out again simply because the name of a innocent girl left his mouth and the universe decided to toy with him.

But this time it seemed like his bad luck had gone too far, as he was now kidnapped by the woman that had once saved him who, except she was not longer human. The demon told him that she had caused the village maiden’s death and then explained how she had become obsessed with him. She was so caught up in her delusions that she has begun to believe they were married going to great lengths to have him act as her loving husband.

Tōru eventually became numb to the reality he was faced with that he just wanted to be freemand rid himself of his misfortune . He could not believe he had gotten himself in such a predicament, but here he was, completely helplessand at the mercy of this demon who wanted to take advantage of him in some way. He doesn’t remember how many days went by as it’s all faded over time, but he remembers the relief he felt once a certain saviour with pink-green haired rescued him.

Tōru's relief was short-lived when he woke up once more and found himself in an unfamiliar place. It was brighter than before and it smelled too nice. Everything was just as unfamiliar as before and he felt the need to run again. Before he could successfully escape, he was quickly intercepted by the dango hair woman. Once this realization hit him he found himself into a state of panic and fear, his thoughts running wild as his heart began to pound faster than ever before. Mitsuri did her best to calm him down and explain where he was but he couldn’t be reasoned with. It was only when the master of the house arrived and spoke that he felt at ease.

He spoke of the events that have taken place and tells Tōru about the woman who became a demon and how she had gone rogue and betrayed the demon slayer corps. she had previously gone around killing members of the corps and then became a demon that had been going around to multiple villages and kidnapping and killing men upon rejection, and this has caused problems among her peers and has extended to innocent citizens like Tōru. He could tell the man was deeply saddened for what occurred as a result of his ‘negligence’ but he could tell he was a kind hearted man. He started crying when the man bowed before him and gently took his hand in his own like a father.

It was at that moment Tōru was moved that he decided he would aid this man and his cause if it meant he could prevent others from experiencing such a horrible fate like the one he’d had to endure.

story notes: picking up a dropped comb is a sign of bad luck! He also has a mole umder his right eye which means misfortune in love! oh god yh he has baaad luck if you couldnt tell :( anways the rogue slayer was sort of infamous for slashing her fellow members but many thought it was a rumour or a already turned demon at the time.They couldn't pin point her until it was already too late. she was innactive with her murders for about five years before finding Tōru.


Mitsuri  close Friends

Mitsuri was one of the slayers tasked with tracking down a recently turned demon that had beein murdering many young unmarried handsome men. Luckily she got there on time to prevent any further deaths and that's when she found a injured Tōru hiding in a tightly shut closet. It was truly a disaster that the demon used to be one of her fellow corps member.Ever since then she has been regularly checking up on the young boy and cooperating with any of his investigations. whenever he's available after a long day of work they'll often go out and enjoy a couple of bowls of Udon. she has been trying to teach him that what he experienced was anything but true love. she pitties the boy but hopes that one day he will be able to form true connections with others again.

Makiko friends

He met Makiko the night her father became a demon. Dealing with rogue slayers and Demons was part of his job amd nothing new. Eventually the two bonded when he was carrying out the investigation regarding the incident her father got her and her family into. While he won’t admit it he is quite fond of her and wishes she would become stronger as he believes she has the potential to do so much more.

Uzui Mentor

When Uzui heard Ubayashiki had appointed someone to be a new hashira he thought it would be cool to check out who it was, but he was intially dissapointed upon seeing a rather plain looking pretty boy, so not flamboyant for such a role! Needless to say Tōru was swept of his feet and taken to get a make over to make him quote on quote "suited for his job". Usually you will see the two training. They are on good terms and write to each other frequently! Uzui took him to the red district in hopes of finding his wives.