Ulle Dise



1 year, 2 months ago


But isn't it so like my kind to try anyways, even if we damn ourselves in the process?

Ulle Dise, Master of Anthropology and Language

Black Diver, Commander to the Southern Garrison

[ Dreadful sinner, and devoted archivist ]

Currently a black diver. Formerly recognized as on-par with ministry prophets.



Ulle Dise




Female [she/her]




Winter, 8 CE




True Neutral


Commander, Black Diver


"The drowned gods will clean the world of it's corrupted slate, of course. And when that happens, I plan to bring the mistakes of humanity with me. They're valuable lessons, after all."

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  • She rarely removes the mask from her face. It's not because she has any odd features of scars, she just enjoys the privacy of it hiding most expressions.
  • She does like to manicure her appearance a bit. There's a small bit of enjoyment in being able to present the way you like.
  • Her armor as a diver is custom-made as all black divers are. She's replaced it quite a few times, as she's so old.
  • She's been in the depths for a couple hundred years, but doesn't have so much as a single scar.



Abyssal Shadowcaster

Drawing strength from the void, Ulle aims to drain the life from her opponents in sweeping waves. Much like the process of creating nightblood, she can rip the ether from the livings body in an instant-- often fatal.












Ulle utilizes her resonance as a sort of focus on top of her bare hands for combat. She can wield most weapons, though mostly in an improvized vasion based off a relatively old style of martial combat.


  • Her title as master of anthropology and language is easily misinterpreted. Rather than language in the literal sense, her studies align more accurately with study in words of the song, and how they've been used throughout all of history.
  • Although she's recognized as just a part of why Maelmury was sealed away and blighted, she was the sole individual creating the means to do such a thing. After all, wasn't it fascinating to try to kill what was seen as a god?
  • The resonance she has takes the form of a large tome. It's heavily decorated with fine silvers and symbology of civilizations lost to the past.
  • She's spent far more time in the divers than she ever did with the ministry. The ministry hasn't quite forgotten her though. She's someone they desperately want either to return to them, or to die for forsaking them.

Brave New World - Piotr MusiaƂ

The Seraph

A most loyal dog of the divers. Ulle is fascinated by the lengths he'll go in order to protect others. To some degree, she feels a bit of kinship with Jackdaw, though they preserve humanity by very different means. She chose him because of his priorities, and the willingness to sacrifice his own well being for those around him. A perfect living weapon--that is until he began to falter under the pressure of loss.

The Dusk Star

The most capable of the black divers in her arsenal. Though she's not nearly as loyal to the cause as Jackdaw is, she dispatches most problems with ease alone. The golden child of the garrison. Ulle finds her a fascinating subject, with nearly her whole family being the spitting image of canticlysm mages.

The Herald of Conflict

A poor little mouse. Her kind stayed arrogant, and payed the price. She won't make the same mistakes.

code by Leporidactic