OPEN ADOPTS's Comments

I can offer 20 for centipede? enausa

sounds good to me! feel free to pm my main about it

hey are these still open :D?


anyone here for the betta?

Anyone here interest you?

May be tent on some

For centipede

Is the eel open?

for centipede do you see anyone [here] or [here] ? :0

Anyone in my toyhouse (you can look through folder 4!) or in Hibiscus_Sales for sea dragon? <3

I can also offer an icon!

i think i might have to pass on the offer 😔

No worries at all! <3

Is the $15 listed in the listings an AB or starting? 

I'll offer $15 reguardless though, for Eel.

15 is just the minimum ill take for em since i dont wanna lowball too much on them, i can take your offer though! feel free to send over n ill transfer the eel

Should be sent!

received! critters pending transfer