Nova Glass



6 years, 1 month ago


 "I'm so tired of saving the world... can't I just live in it?"

Courageous Ambitious     Determined

       Sylvia is a moderately tall girl, standing at 5'4. She's slightly chubby due to the fact that she stress-eats, but that doesn't stop her from trying to engage in physical activity as much she can. She has light blond hair that goes a little bit further than shoulder length, with some very slight waves mixed in them. She normally keeps her hair in a ponytail, but on occasion, she'll switch it up by putting it in buns or in pigtails. Sylvia has very radiant medium-dark blue eyes, set in an almond shape.  When her face is at rest, her lips curl into a natural frown position, and her lower lip opens up, revealing her two front teeth which have a slight split in the middle. This embarrasses her, and if she's not talking she pays very close attention to her mouth, looking down a lot absent-mindedly. Sylvia has rosacea on her cheeks and nose, and it flares up early in the morning, as well as when she's tired or embarrassed. 


       Sylvia enjoys aesthetic images and clothing, and her clothing reflects her own personal aesthetic.  She mainly wears peach-colored clothing, because of it's compliments to her hair. Most of her clothing is made up of soft colors, along with peach, baby blue, and periwinkle. She doesn't enjoy wearing tight-fitting clothing, so she dresses in a lot of loose-fitting clothing: baggy overalls, loose shirts, and flowy rompers are her go-to. Most times, Slyvia will wear bracelets and armbands to cover up scars on her arms, but in the winter she just wears long-sleeved shirts. Even in the winter, Sylvia likes to wear sandals and flip-flops. Mainly because she feels too lazy to put socks on to wear sneakers or boots.

S t a t s 

Name |Nova Glass Nickname |“Alicia  Tang » a cover identity
Age |24Gender |Female
Height |5'1Body Type |Skinny and petit
Birth Date |09/12/3045Ethnicity |Asian
Occupation |Temporal officerLanguage |English, Chinese
【 Charisma 】 |

【 Maturity 】 |

【 Judgement 】|

【 Temper 】 |

【 Kindness |

【Courage |

【 Intelligence 】 |

【 Integrity 】 |

【Humour |


  • Cool weather
  • Iced tea
  • History
  • Cheesy old films


  • Work... work... 
  • Solving crossword puzzles
  • Mechanic and robotic tinkering 
  • Coffee drinking


  • The smell of diesel
  • Sleepless nights
  • White chocolate
  • Repetitivity



      Nova is a small girl who packs quite a punch! Her driven and ambitious nature helps her accomplish her job better, but it also stunts the ability for many friendships due to competition.
