Arwynn Des'Rhet



6 years, 4 days ago


Arwynn was originally an adopt I was given by my friend Sythrawolf of FA <3 (TYTY) that gave me permission to make him into a male of my Des'Rhet species, named Arwynn.

Because of this boy I have recently been very enthusiastic about introducing more characters I've made from Breya's world and Arwynn will be the start.

Generally speaking, males are so rare within a tribe that a normal family consists of two females and a male. Males are coveted and remain home to do work within the protection of the tribes borders, while the females who only reproduce up to 3(3 is rare) times in their lifetime

Arwynn is a young Des'Rhet male (I haven't made him an official last name yet) who has rebelled against the tribes rules- inspired by breya who came to him to learn 'male things' in exchange for fighting technique. He cut his hair (much to the dismay of his matriarchs) and vowed to travel the world- maybe even the galaxy.