


6 years, 4 months ago



Name Nyx
S.O.Trixic (attracted to female)
Age Over eternities
Birthday March 3rd
Race Lynx
Zodiac Pisces
Handedness Ambidextrous
Hometown -

PERSONALITY: In general, Nyx has an impulsive, sadistic and sometimes arrogant persona. Once you know them you only can either hate or love them, there's not a medium point.

Nyx is a magical entity that guards dimension 1.5; border between 1.0 (mortal dimension) and 2.0 (magical dimension). Nyx is known as the "enforcer", as they are in charge of ending all those humans who try to infiltrate the magical dimension, but at the same time, they are also in charge of guiding on the right path people who have awakened a certain ability to use magic on the right path, but only the ones whose intentions aren't bad agains he magic worlds. 

Nyx is seen as a witch on the mortal dimension, since they can use magic and their knowledge is superior than human's. But they don't give importance to that, since thewy don't go very often there.


  • Crystals
  • Rain
  • Magic
  • Music
  • Meele fighting


  • Food
  • Strong feelings
  • Whatever is ediblej-


Nyx doesn't have an specific backstory, they're just a representation of me inside my AU (in other words, self-insert). Their role is serving as a executer/guardian between the two existing dimension (1.0/2.0) preventing humans to enter to the magical dimension. However, they also guide and train humans with the capacity of using magic, but only those who reach them and have no interest or bad intention on the magical dimention

Nyx is a magical entity who can materialize themself using crystals with magic properties (inside my AU, called "illacsir" or "arcane diamond"), they like to stay in their humanoid form everytime since they enjoys meele fighting.


  • Talent: Illacsir geokinesis (crystal control and manipulation), Magick.
  • function: Damage dealer, Healer
  • Grade: S rank
  • Weapon mastery: Scythe, axe.
  • Arsenal: 
Domain of Daydream (Main)
domain_of_daydream_by_nyxeii_de8ihc6-preMain weapon used by Nyx for Meele fighting. It doesn't really have any special hability more than manifesting Nyx's techniches, the power of this weapon depends from them.
Lenght: 1,78 m.

Blood Eagle


Weapon used by Nyx to directly execute people. It is never wielded by them in battle. 

It is connected to their back stigmata, by using the blood of the people that got killed by it, Nyx get energy wings and the hability to fly.

Lenght: 1,30 m


Height: 166 cm
26 kg (they're light due to their body being made of crystal)
long purple hair, they sometimes cut it but it growns again fast because of their magic. (check all hairstyles)
Eye color: 
white with purple shades
Clothing style
: Check their outfits and battlesuits.
located on their back wich is linked with their axe, it can summon energy wings on Nyx when they execute a person with blood eagle. The wings form and color depend on the executed person's personality and intentions. It only appears when Nyx summon their axe!

ddaiv5m-aed02f91-bc47-4d04-b77c-83eb13c1(this is just a scretch. The color of the stigma can be dark purple or black with purple shine)


Place of birth: N/A
Language: can communicate in the exact language as the person they're interacting with.
Relationship status: "married" with Ruby
Occupation: Executer guardian from 1.5 portal dimension.

Moar Stuff


  • The crystal they're made by can't be destroy with physical force, because if a person touch the illacsir directly, they'll get crystallized, If a person touch Nyx it wouldn't crystallize because Nyx's skin and fur avoid the direct contact with it. (there are only two persons with Illacsir body, Nyx and Ruby)
  • Nyx's body can be only broke when they have strong human feelings, such as sadness or madness.
  • Not a mary sue, just a very OP character!

Common Mistakes (Important, pls read before draw!)

  • Their eyes aren't purple, they're white with purple shades.
  • Their hair has two colors, in front light purple and in back dark, it isn't gradient.
  • Has two short lynx tails, no kitsune tails anymore.
  • THEY DON'T HAVE BOOBS! Not even small ones, they're a real flat surf table, so please, avoid drawing them with boobs! ; A;

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