Deep Sea Spiker



1 year, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Height (In Feet):

45 Feet

Height (In Meters):

14 Meters

Weight (In Pounds):

1035 Pounds

Weight (In Kilograms):

469 Kilograms





The Deep-Sea Spiker (known as DSS for short) is in the Order of Sigma in the Kaiju Size Scale. Its nature is mostly docile but can be hard to gain the trust of. Thriving in the deeper parts of the ocean, they hunt down whales and giant squid as part of their diet. Learning from Mal, they can make up to 156 different vocalizations.


The DSS is a top-heavy Kaiju that uses its front knuckles to walk with, with digitigrade back legs. Curved horns lining the jaw with two straight protruding from the sides of its head, six eyes, and a pointed chin. A large gem is positioned on the chest of the DSS and curved, hollowed spines on the back in threes. Its front arms appear disjointed much like that of a doll’s, with spiked-up shoulders and a formation of armor on the forearms. Having human-like teeth with a lining to the sides, when opened these parts tear exposing sharp teeth on the inside.


Reproduction of the DSS Kaiju tends to happen around monsoon seasons when the waters are rough. They tend to search for a mate in the deepest part of the sea, where they’ll try to impress the opposite sex by protruding their large spikes to the max. Seeming to try to show their strength in being able to protect themselves and their offspring. They also cause whirlpools to showcase different waterworks for impression purposes.


DSS Kaiju produce a single Kaiju young that they care for up to a year before they are let out on their own to fend for themselves. It’s not uncommon for them to follow their mothers around but cannot yet handle the compression from the deep sea. They can be found on beaches hunting down crabs and baby sea turtles until they’re large enough to handle the compression.


DSS Kaiju primarily like whales, keep to themselves and doesn’t tend to pay any attention to humans swimming around them. Highly docile Kaiju, they’re hard to gain the trust of and will not hesitate to let you know they no longer admire your presence.


Despite being called Deep-Sea Spikers, they’re semi-aquatic as they only are at sea for hunting and mating purposes. The kaiju is mostly beach-side soaking up the sun rays for the much-needed vitamin D they usually cannot obtain in their deep-sea explorations. Around this time has been proven that Deep-Sea Spikers are dormant during this time.