Zrifuind's Comments

Hello! Would you be interested in a trade for this creature? :0

You can see here if any interest you!

JamButterToast on Toyhouse


sure thing !!

also for this link ( https://toyhou.se/JamButterToast/characters ) it just sends me to a page with one npc oc, is every character up for grabs here?

Oh! that link goes to my TH store! :0

You can see any folder there, they are all available to trade!

You can also see in the descriptions of the folders which ones I give and which ones I don't! (In the folder "To redesign", "Pending!" and the oc NPC, only those are not available for trade!)


i'm most interested in these lads, from most to least!



Okay! So would you accept one of them for the creature? :0

If so, I can give you this one! https://toyhou.se/8708672.-

yeah i can def do that!! :D

2 Replies