Chantilly 🌷's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

GrubbyTrico Global Rules
[⚫] My designs CAN NOT leave toyhouse! (Please lol) They must always belong to a user that owns a toyhouse unless stated otherwise. Design can not be sold for $ more than it was bought for (same goes for equal value in art if character was bought through art trade) IF it has no other arts. [⚫ ] If the original character image has my GrubbyTrico watermark on it, please leave it there unless you have your own unique watermark [⚫] Please do not hoard a design of mine, if your not going to use it please attempt to get rid of ii [⚫] Feel free to @ me in art of your character (that is ofc my design) I'd love to see <3 [⚫️] Do NOT use my designs in zoophilia/feral 🌽, racist, homophonic, transphobic, bullying related art. You will be openly blacklisted and blocked. [⚫] Thanks for reading ❤