


6 years, 1 month ago


Name: Azel

Age: 20

Height: 6ft

weight: 66kg

Sexuality: Pansexual

Traits: has Bipolar Dis-order and is a genuine Sociopath.

Backstory: Azel was born into torture. His mother died during child birth and his Father blamed for that, punished him for it. For years, Azel's Father tortured him, cutting him, beating him, stabbing him, taking it as far as carving writing into Azels back and on another occasion burying a custom hatchet into the side of Azels lower jaw. For years Azel dealt with it, he learned not to cry, he learned to feel nothing, his pain threshold becoming much more than a normal humans due to the constant torture..but everyone has a breaking point. on Azels 14th birthday, Azels Father decided to end things, snapping while at work, Azel's father murdered his boss and several co-workers, before returning home to end his son's life. However Azel had other idea's, and when his father returned hom, Azel too snapped, brutally stabbing his father again and again, shoving every knife he could get his hands on into his parents body. Once the police found him, Azel was put into therapy for 6 years. at the end he was discharged and allowed back into civilisation but that was their mistake. The therapy had done nothing, and Azel was smart enough that instead of killing people and ending up like his father he satisfied his psychotic desires through gore sites and the deep web.