Zumbido de Abeja



6 years, 1 month ago


NAME Bee's Buzz

PRONOUNS he / him

CLAN IvyClan

RANK Warrior


  • Used to be a kittypet, catching mice in a human restaurant.
  • Markings similar to a lynx point siamese.
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A cat who grew up in the same town as Summer and Chestnut, but ended up joining IvyClan to flee from certain cats who made his life impossible at the town. He used to be a kittypet under the same roof as some other cats, helping with keeping the restaurant free from mice and other animals.

He has crossed out the name in his collar by scrubbing it against rocks, scatching it and biting it. He doesn't want to get rid of his past, but he also wanted to feel like he was putting it behind him.
It was difficult for him to get to be a full warrior, since when he joined the clan and relaxed because of the friendly atmosphere, he started talking a lot and he scared the prey or couldn't concentrate in the assigned task. He has improved his self control since then, and knows when to try to keep quiet or not.

His mentor was the deputy, Cocodrile Scales.

Design Notes

  • The nametag on his collar is scratched up and illegible.
  • Very fluffy.
  • Feel free to simplify his markings, but try to keep the face ones as recognizabe as possible.
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  • Era un minino casero, vivía atrapando ratones en un restaurante humano.
  • Con marcas parecidas a las de un siamés lynx point.
  • Nombre español: Zumbido de Abeja.
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Gato que creció en el mismo pueblo que Summer y Chestnut, pero terminó uniéndose al Clan de la Hiedra para huir de ciertos gatos que no le dejaban ni respirar en el pueblo. Vivía y se dedicaba a hacer lo mismo que otros gatos con los que vivía, ayudando a mantener el restaurante libre de otros animales.

Ha tachado el nombre de su collar a base de restregarlo contra rocas, arañarlo y mordisquearlo. No quiere deshacerse de sus orígenes, pero quiere sentir que ha dejado esa época atrás.
Le costó llegar a ser guerrero, ya que al relajarse al estar en un entorno amistoso, comenzó a hablar por los codos y asustaba a las presas o no se concentraba en la tarea pedida. Aunque ha mejorado su autocontrol y el saber cuando hablar y cuando no.

Su mentora fue Escamas de Cocodrilo, la lugarteniente.

Notas de diseño

  • La chapa en su collar está rayada e ilegible.
  • Muy peludo.
  • Siéntete libre de simplificar sus marcas, pero intenta mantener las de la cara tan reconocibles como sea posible.
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