


1 year, 1 month ago


Irrus is a corceï 22 years of age, having more or less recently graduated from university and now attempting to learn to live on his own. He lives in Glouis, a relatively richer area with many temples, zoos, and museums. Economically, Irrus is comfortable, his parents being the source of most of his income until he secures himself a job, of which he is still searching for. Meanwhile, he spends the bare minimum, which leads to him missing out on a lot of the attractions his city has to offer. Irrus doesn't mind, as he's more of an introvert anyway and is just as happy curling up to read a book. He/Him pronouns.

Irrus is quite shy but loves to learn and spends a lot of his time reading and studying in various different subjects, leading to him being rather knowledgeable in small amounts on a large number of things. If given the chance, he can get very passionate about things he cares about, but him being comfortable enough to ramble on about something to someone is pretty rare and really only happens towards his parents or over writing to one of his pen pals. 

Speaking of which, Irrus currently communes with two other of his kind via letters: Eleazar, who lives in Vrana and runs a bookstore, and Carmel, who travels frequently and has lots of experience with herbs.

Irrus is a rather old character that has gone through a few redesigns before being ported to this closed species. Included in his gallery is his MLP redesign.
