Augustine's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

Kingsdee Global Rules

- - DESIGN T.O.S - -

By Owning my Designs, you agree to the following terms:

- If you end up on my Blacklist, I am in my full right to revoke any designs by me that you own.

- My designs cannot be humanized without permission, due to it frequently making the designs incredibly different

- My designs also cannot be used in anything 18+ whatsoever.

- Do not post my designs on any site other than TH, DA, Scratch, and AF. This is simply because then it makes it much more difficult to keep track of them.

- Do not put a massive chest on my designs. They’re animals. literally.

- Do not make any sort of “Twin designs” or family designs based off of the original design. [ since family designs are usually just ripping off the original design and changing a handful of things ]

- If uploaded to th, you NEED to credit me as the creator. Not the designer, creator. You did not create the designs, you are not allowed to put yourself as the creator.

- - ART T.O.S - -

- If you are reusing my “doodle design” style, you MUST credit me. ESPECIALLY IF YOUR USING THE SAME BRUSH. And for those arguing “but it’s so simple” you wouldn’t mimic, say, a young artist’s style without crediting them. It’s not hard, and takes 3 seconds.

- My art cannot be used as an icon unless you own the design

- My art cannot be used as reference/be traced.

- Art given as a gift, at, or through af have a worth of $0 usd, and cannot be used to drive up the value of a design,

- Art bought as a commission is worth how much you payed for.

- Do not add your watermark to any of my art, or remove my watermark


- When broken for the first time, you will be given a warning.

- When broken for the second time, you will be graylisted

- When broken for the third time, you will be blacklisted.