Millicent "Millie"



1 year, 1 month ago


Millicent Georgia Morrison is the niece and adopted daughter of John Francis "Jack" Morrison. Double agent working for Overwatch, she manages to infiltrate Talon's base and steal information from the files repeatedly due to the organizations certitude from Widomaker. Millie's father was a soldier and a decorated hero who lost his life during a mission. Millie grew up with a strong sense of justice and took up the mantle of her father to carry on the fight against those who may have sought to destroy their freedoms. After his death, her uncle Jack took Millie under his wing. He taught her everything she knew, and the two became very close. Determined to follow in her father's footsteps and be a hero, Millie worked hard and made herself a very capable agent. A 16-year-old Millie would eventually be recruited into Blackwatch. Within Blackwatch, she would work closely under Commander Gabriel Reyes, very quickly becoming his protégé much to the worry of her uncle, Jack Morrison. Present at the Venice Incident, Millie was sidelined as the events played out. Millie would later return to Blackwatch during King's Row Uprising alongside McCree providing intel on Null Sector's fortifications. As Overwatch's support waned and Blackwatch sought to bring down its parent organization and turn it to their own ends imbued with the knowledge of the organization's greatest secrets and her trust in Gabriel Reyes, Millie would be a key figure in the fall of Overwatch and the rise of Talon. Manipulated into fighting against her uncle and joining Talon, Millie would serve as Gabriel Reyes's most trusted asset and confidant after his resurrection. Entirely loyal to Gabriel Reyes who had convinced her that Jack Morrison and Overwatch were the true enemy. During Overwatch's reformation, Millie would be approached by Jesse McCree, Genji Shimada, and finally Jack Morrison to reconsider her beliefs and rejoin the right side. Only after Jack's plea, not asking her to abandon her beliefs but simply asking her to trust in him, did Millie come to her senses and turn on Gabriel Reyes and rejoin her uncle as a double agent. Millie's return to Overwatch is not without its repercussions, however, as she is faced with the harsh reality of her betrayal to the man she had believed to be a friend and a mentor, Gabriel Reyes. Millie also faces hostility when it comes to her fellow teammates who see her as a killer, much to the disappointment of her uncle Jack who understands her to have been misguided by her desire to be a hero.

- She was named after her grandmother
- Her father's name is James, he was five years older than his brother