Ebony Blackbloom



1 year, 8 days ago



human (demigod) / bard/sorcerer / she/he / trans girl bisexual / 16 (21/2) / student

personality: Ebony is… difficult to get along with to say the least. She’s extremely egotistical and believes she is above everyone else, in morals, likability, intelligence, skills etc. despite not really having anything to back up those claims. He makes this fact known too, using every opportunity possible to bring anyone down a peg and belittle them. Despite being rather cruel to those around her, she can’t take any of that attitude back, being extremely sensitive to criticism and seeing personal attacks where there is none (often spiralling into bouts of extreme paranoia where she believes others are out to harm her).

Ebony might have been kinder when she was younger (not really understanding social cues as opposed to being purposefully cruel now), but years of neglect, failure, and being socially outcasted have done a number on her social abilities. Still, underneath everything there is some evidence of a good person, with her hate of violence and murderers, and her kindness and obedience to those she sees on her level or above her. He’s very dedicated to his mother in particular, and has made it clear he would do anything for her (even if it goes against her morals and values). 

Ebony is very dedicated, there’s no doubt about that. It takes a lot to convince her of anything but once the seed has been planted it’s impossible to get her to stop. This, mixed with her naive optimism that she’ll always succeed in the end, has lead her to chasing goals for years on end even when there’s no obvious proof that’ll be worth anything. This applies to anything from her wish to be a successful musician or trying to get her mother to view her as family (or really to get his mother to show any sort of affection at all…). This unrelenting dedication and loyalty is probably the reason for her downfalls as much as it’s been the thing keeping her going.

When Ebony trusts someone enough to not constantly be on high guard, she can actually be quite pleasant to be around. She’ll often crack jokes, try to lighten the mood, or do things for others. However, due to her constant paranoia and others (justifiable) dislike for her it’s practically impossible to get to that level, and most simply don’t have the patience to deal with her mess long enough to develop a trust. Unfortunately Ebony is stuck constantly perpetuating a cycle of cruelty and aggression, hopefully one day she’ll become self aware enough to let herself heal. 

backstory: the authorities have told me I am not allowed to elaborate on this due to spoilers. 

relationships (I edit these after every session for fun):

evelyn blackbloom: [father (congrats 🏳️‍⚧️), love + weary] "She doesn’t want me to die."

percival “percy” stoneside: [bodyguard, like] “I trust him.”

heath’s blooming flowers: [brother? half-brother? adoptive sibling?, classmate/co-worker (kinda), hate + weary] "He’s going to kill me for Rowan’s sake."

hen fleetfoot: [classmate/co-worker (kinda), neutral] “I hate that she was right. I don’t think I should get on her bad side."

rael liadon: [classmate/co-worker (kinda), neutral] “…None of this should’ve happened.”

lithe fleetfoot: [pities] "He didn't deserve that..."

rowan “the blight” blackbloom: [father, hates] "He’s pure evil. I should have killed him when I had him down."

juniper “the bane”: [aunt, unknown] "We're doing this for her sake. I don't know her."

daemus mooncry: [dislike + weary] “Why do they all trust her? After everything she did, how do they even look at her!”

bay: [sister? half-sister? adoptive sister?, neutral] "I’m not fond of babies."

citrone: [co-worker (kinda), dislike] "My replacement."
