


1 year, 1 month ago


The Prophet
Name Murkshade

Former Names Murk

Gender Cis Male (He/Him)

Orientation Bisexual

Mentor Petalmask (former)

Rank Warrior

Residence Thunderclan

Theme content


Murkshade is a slender, dark coated tom with large ears and long legs made for running. His fur is extremely short and sleek, always groomed and kept well to look perfectly shiney. His eyes are a piercing yellow color that stand out boldly against his black fur.

Murkshade sticks out like a sore thumb amidst the Thunderclan warriors. Even those who were previously loners that don't look like the typical large kind of cat, no one else has the same spindly legs and gigantic ears that Murkshade possesses. He looks just like a Windclan cat, through and through.

Design notes
  • He's only slightly taller than the average cat! His ears mostly make him look taller than others
  • Only scar is the notch in his ear
  • Scar was gained from a training "accident" when he was still within Windclan

Bold. Cocky. Obnoxiously confident. Those are just a few words that could describe Murkshade. The young tom is full of life and energy, and he is going to make it everyone else's problem no matter what. As a younger cat he sought only to learn how to be the best warrior within Windclan to prove himself. When certain events led to him being kicked out of his home, it nearly took away any self-confidence the tom might have had.

Luckily, after joining Thunderclan, Murkshade found new life and purpose. More than anything his faith and loyalty to Starclan are what differentiate him from his fellow clanmates. Having recieved a message from an ancestor personally, Murkshade is determined more than anything to complete his goal of returning the clans' to their former glory. There is no obstacle big enough for Murkshade to ever give up on his dreams for.

  • Bird Hunting
  • Stargazing
  • Defying Authority
  • Snobbiness
  • Getting Wet
  • The smell of lavender


Herb Knowledge

Faith in StarClan

Murkshade had the unfortunate luck of being born to Windclan's leader, Robintuft. Being born prematurely, Murkshade's littermaters were born stillborn and at birth he was a small, sickly kit. The medicine cat, his own uncle, had to watch over him constantly to make sure there were no further complications. Once he was healthy enough to be left on his own. Murkshade began to grow and learn that he had large expectations to live up to. His mother's praise was not one easily earned.

Being a runt, Murkshade had a hard time keeping up with his fellow apprentices. Windclan was the smallest of all the other clans with very few cats, which made him the perfect target for harassment from his peers. Despite all the bullying, the neglect, and the loneliness, Murkshade was determined to prove they were all wrong. He wasn't entirely alone. His uncle, his older brother, and his mentor all had faith in him. And for him, that was enough. However, greater powers had a future in mind for him that would take him away from his family and clan for a long, long time.

During a hunting patrol, Murkshade had been allowed to travel far away from the group and quickly found himself lost. In the panic to try and retrace his footsteps he stumbled onto the now forgotten location of The Moon Pool. It was there that he was vistited by a ghost of an ancestor who showed Murkshade visions of their past, everything that had been lost, and what had to be done to restore the unity between the four clans. The vision was so powerful and compelling, Murkshade raced home and immeditaley told everything to his uncle and his mother. At best, their reactions were doubtful, but at the worst they were downright rejecting his pleas for them to listen. Robintuft had a certain dustrust towards any "fanatical" beliefs and warned her son to stop spreading lies. Eventually, when he would not listen, she threw out her own son from her camp and said he could only return when he denounced his faith in old ghosts. After his exile, Murkshade found refuge in Thunderclan. Here he was able to find the first true friends in his life, as well as other cats who would listen to his visions of Starclan's plea.


  • Murk — named for his dark coat, and the feelings of grief his mother felt after his birth
  • shade — named for his cool, welcoming attitude and the comfort it brings
  • He makes up a million different stories as to how he actually got the scarred notch on his ear
  • Despite training as a warrior and passing his assessment, Murkshade takes up the traing to be a medicine cat later in life


What can be said about your own mother? Murkshade used to wish for her approval, but he has grown to despise the mother who allowed others to bully him and cast him out when he begged for her help. The only thing he wishes he could get for her to understand is that he wants to help strengthen the clan. But of course, his mother is just as stubborn as he is. The two of them will never see eye to eye.


Hailgaze was a positive relationship in Murkshade's younger life. The older cat was busy quite a lot and unable to spend a lot of time with his little brother, but the two of them had plenty of good moments. After being exiled from Windclan, Hailgaze occasionally seeks out his brother on the border to talk and keep him up to date on things. The conversation's never last long, however, as their mother has explicitly told Hailgaze to not talk with any cats across the borders. Murkshade misses his brother, dearly.

Best Friend

These two go way back. Bumbleheart was the first cat to ever truly believe in Murkshade, the first to stand by him no matter what, and the first friend to offer him true, unconditional love. Murkshade isn't one to put his emotions out for all to see, but this cat means more to him than anyone else. He is constantly grateful for all the times the other tom helps him, and wishes there was some way to truly let him know how much he means to him. Until that time comes, Murkshade will continue to drag Bumbleheart into all the trouble he gets into.

Close Friend

Cloudskip is just as daring and adventurous as Murkshade is, but unlike him she knows how to smooth things over. She is always able to reason with him through his most chaotic plans and is there to offer her opinion when he needs a second perspective. And on top of all of that, they both have the same sense of humor. He enjoys her calming presence. There isn't ever a time where the two don't get along.

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