


6 years, 1 month ago


name: #29111195 (billie)

age/birthday: 22, dec 14 (sag)

gender/sexuality: has no real concept of gender or sexuality???

race: android

voice: haley joel osment

appearance: 5'2, modelled to look like an average guy in his 20's. dark skinned with a chunk of the skin over his cheek missing on the left, exposing wiring and silver machinery underneath. his eyes are usually blue - but the left eye shows visible signs of virus infection, black with a flickering red light in the middle. brown + wavy hair thats always messy. his legs are both different shades of copper or silver metal and mismatched in size bc he keeps.. losing them. his right arm is also a copper plated robotic arm.

personality: straightforward, as a lot of androids tend to be. he's very.. humanly emotionally clumsy however - will worry if he says something wrong, and often asks if his response is incorrect instead. he has the ability to change his behaviour in a way that is more human than machine.. treating it like a human growth of personality. extremely curious about the 'old' world - about humans themselves and is more often than not going through old data and watching films, and so a lot of his knowledge-- 'knowledge' comes from watching what human behaviour seemed to be before, so sometimes he can say things that are odd and out of place. compassionate and a little nosy. when he's under control of the infection he's cold and mechanical. moves purely on orders. malicious and violent.

likes: old movies, humans, baths, wire checks (because it tickles), music

dislikes: the gaps in his memories, fighting, sandstorms (the sand gets into his filters)


  • his virus is actually a human weapon to make him attack and destroy android camps around the area and continue the fighting
  • has a 'speech tick' where his voice will occasionally crackle and 'glitch'
  • limps because of his mismatched legs
  • his favourite kind of music is pop