Evaline Lidae



1 year, 2 days ago


People? All I see are lots of auction opportunities!

A trafficking mob leader and a creature of complete and total evil, Evaline has no morality left. None. At the young age of 26, she had been collecting arrest records as far back as age seven. After her juvanile record got wiped when she turned 18, she joined the royal army for training. By day, she was the perfect soldier. By night, a terrible cutthroat killer who would eliminate anyone who got in her way for the race to the top. Of course, once she was stable in her "side career," she ditched the army. It was always too stuffy for her, and she hated her superiors. They were even worse than her gang superiors, because unlike gang leaders these soft officers were hardly better fighters than she.

How did Hitler keep his armies in line? How was it that he was able to avoid assassination from his officers? Well, if you asked Eve, she'd tell you that it was fear. Everyone envies the top dog spot, but everyone is afraid to take it. When you take it, you become the next target and everyone converges. So no one wants to be the first, because they will be the next killed. Evaline is that cold-hearted psychopath that did it. And to quash the problem of bickering gang members wanting her spot, she had to be very calculating about it. She had already secured the fear-driven loyalty from all directly under the previous leader. And then she killed anyone who challenged her. She never fought fairly, and enjoyed seeing others struggle. She reveled in thair pain and would often opt for messy kills that would leave her opponent tortured until their last breath.

Her gang wasn't very big, and they dealt in fairly low-level crime. Forging, money-laundering, etc. Eve had great dreams of expanding her operation into wealthy business. Business with fun risk. She enjoyed toying with people, so what better than to make her product people? Human Trafficking was the perfect business. She could keep her mind sharp and entertained by devising new and creative ways to get past border security, all while making a profit.