Looking for Freebies



1 year, 4 months ago
Trade Listing


Hi! I'm Autumn and I'm looking for free characters! I take all characters I receive and redesign them into a new character!
Why am I doing this? To approve my designing skills! My creative mind is just not the best at making up designs on the spot. But if there is already an idea on what the character is suppose to be it makes it so much easier to add what it needs.

What do you get out of tossing me a character that you no longer connect with?
- 50% discount if you would like to rebuy your character back after redesign!
- 10% discount on any other redesign character I am selling.

What do I offer for freebie/trade characters?
- Anyone in this tab.
- Simple Art Commissions. (Please credit my main account for any art that I create for you! Xesei)
- Mass favoriting of any characters of your choosing (Max of 100 per character).
- Naming, backstory and lore writing.

Commenting, messaging, or simply transferring characters is fine with me!
Preference on what I'm good at drawing? I highly prefer feral characters but humans and monsters are a need for me to learn more species!

If by any means you give me a freebie and you would like them back, I will always consider if they are not already redesigned!
Thank you so much for considering, and thank you for anyone who does give me a freebie, trade, or offer! <3