


6 years, 1 month ago


A rouge demon who killed her summoner long ago, Unity wanders Grimora with her gang of demons called the White Suits.

She has no desire to return to hell and instead goes about recruiting down-trodden demons into her gang. She holds little value in human life and is quick to make an example of someone to create fear.

Her main goal is to hunt down those who summon demons to abuse or exploit them, often targeting crime lords or corrupt politicians. Unity and the White Suits have been labeled as high Class A threats due to high-profile targets they've killed.

Unity thinks quite highly of herself (she did name herself Unity after all) and is an excellent strategist, taking often low-leveled demons and making them into dangerous threats through teamwork. She comes across as callous and distant, never showing much emotion to humans outside of a cool calmness and dangerous intelligence. To demons however, she is much more open and personable. 

Unity holds a unique power that enables her to control time around her in time bubbles. These let her, or anything she's touching, speed up.