Angel Aura



6 years, 5 days ago


Angel Aura Quartz

NOTE: her outfit colors in the art aren't exactly right (not the artists fault, my only reference was an uncolored sketch. Her leotard is pastel pink, her overlay is light yellow, her boots are lavender. 

*she's not just a gem oc, she's my gemsona so she's loosely based on me!*


✨"Strongman" body type, my personal headcanon for normal (non defective) quartzes. She's very muscular, but has a proportionate amount of body fat unlike, say, a bodybuilder.

💕All of her teeth are sharp, like a shark, but not serrated.

✨Her hair is always worn in a fancy braid or a braided updo. If she has a single braid she pulls it over her shoulder. It's almost white with a slight blue tint, the same shade of blue as her skin but much lighter.

💕Thick bangs that are too short to be pulled into her braid. They go down to her chin and cover her left eye.

✨Prefers pastels and light, flowing fabrics like chiffon. Her modern day form is wearing cult party kei. Her outfits are always a rainbow of pastels and whites.

💕Skin is a very light, iridescent blue. 

✨Gem is on chest, each facet is a different pastel shade.

💕Fusion dancing style is ballet

✨Gem weapon is an iridescent broadsword.

💕Angel Aura can create a powerful beam of light that will poof any gem within a 5 meter radius. However, this is extremely taxing on her physical form, so she will poof as well. As such, this is only used in the most dire of situations, preferably if a fellow CG is close enough to swoop in an protect her gem (but far enough not to be poofed herself) and enemy soldiers aren't close enough to crush her. The beam of light is visible from far away, so this is a real concern for her. 

✨Before joining the Crystal Gems, Angel Aura served under White Diamond.

💕VA is Paget Brewster

✨All gems are lesbians and so is she. She's a femme and she only dates butches. Her ideal partner is another soldier with similar passion, drive, fighting skill. She would also have to be assertive, Angel doesn't date pushovers.

💕As a soldier, she gets poofed more than the average gem. She treats each reformation as an opportunity to update her outfit. After the war she rarely poofs ever, but she will occasionally choose to retreat into her gem to change clothes. Since she hasn't been weakened by fighting, it doesn't take very long to reform.

✨Fusion song: