
1 year, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Eli Marshall


Undead Human






"If things came naturally to everyone, the world would be too at ease; after all, God enjoys watching interesting things happen."

"To the outside person, it's all fun and games; to them, it's a never-ending cycle."

Eli is what remains of a tragic memory back when Boucherthon Grove was home to an old English town, Sola and The Doctor remember what happened, but Eli has no recollection of the events

They spend most their days inside the old cathedral with Sola, but will go outside to run errands and feed the local animals. They don't talk very much, only saying "yes" and "no" when asked a question and using body language to communicate what they want

They aren't very close with anyone in the forest, but has a good relationship with Agatha. They don't seem to dislike Sola or The Doctor, but aren't very comfortable around them. Which, understandable, they both give off an unfriendly vibe 

Before they died, they were once a human, happily going about life without a single care in the world

That was, until they fell in love with a random stranger that found his way into town. He was charming, mysterious, and a secret shapeshifter, it was obvious Eli would fall for him in an instant. They revealed their deepest darkest secrets to him and they thought he did as well, but it was all just one big trap that led to their demise.

One night, the stranger asked them to meet him in the forest, and when they arrived, they were kidnapped by an malicious clan and put through endless amounts of torture until they passed away
But only for a moment, they woke up in the burnt ashes of the town. In front of them was The Doctor and Sola.

They can't remember what happened before they woke up
But it's better if they don't


Likes And Dislikes

🧠 Rainy Weather
🧠 Birds
🧠 Spirits
🧠 Marigolds
🧠 The Feeling Of Warmth
🧠 The Sound Of A Heartbeat

❌ Cats
❌ Being Followed/Stared At
❌ Singing
❌ Loud Sounds
❌ Being Treated As If They're Slow
❌ Being Compared To A Zombie