yepeee's Comments

Hi! Do you accept art?

i think i would be interested! as long as it is roughly equivalent in worth as to what i paid for the design. what would you be interested in giving?

A bust and a fullbody, perhaps?:)

I wouldn't mind a bust and a fullbody! I'd be holding onto the design until the art is done, and I will put it on hold for you.

Do you only do cats, out of curiosity, or do you do canines as well? No worries if not, I'd just like to know first.

I only make cats! Would you like to talk about it on discord? I'm _razm0

i'm good to chat about it on here! my only clarification was on that point :3

i'd love both bust and fullbody to be of ! she's generally tired, a little stoic, a little angry. the thicker black marks on the face and on that leg/shoulder there are scars! the rest is ticking/flecking. :3

i'm generally not a stickler for like....time taken, but just lmk when finished! formally putting this on hold :3

1 Replies