


5 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Zacharie Voclain




Junior sous chef






birthMarch 3rd
alignmentLawful evil

Anyone who spent any amount of time with Zacharie can confirm he is destructive. He seems to have an internal drive to test the limits on everything and everyone, himself included. His approach to life is not serious in the slightest. Zacharie believes existence to be inherently meaningless and sees life as a play (or tragedy) and himself as its playwright. A cruel playwright that will destroy everything in his path to pretend he is making a point. 

Zacharie jokingly claims to enjoy suffering – even calling himself a masochist at times  but those jokes are anything but. He is a masochist. A proud one at that, the kind of masochist that believes himself to be a cut above the rest of society. His craving for perfection is at the base of his self-destructive attitude: Zacharie would rather destroy himself than accept imperfection. 

When it comes to relationships, Zacharie’s leave much to be desired. He appears completely apathetic towards everyone and openly states he does not careZacharie is an honest man, and when he claims carelessness, he means it. That honesty does not come from a place of morals (which Zacharie will happily admit he does not have) but rather from a lack of empathy and understanding of others’ feelings. When he lies, he does so either out of necessity or, more frequently, out of an infantile curiosity to see how much he can get away with.


“I'm the weeds among you, I am constriction
I'm the tightness in your chest
I could ruin you”


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean eu tortor consectetur, suscipit velit ac, egestas nunc. Duis est est, ullamcorper in consectetur vitae, gravida et augue. Curabitur id arcu iaculis turpis ornare vestibulum eget at neque. Cras fermentum turpis in lectus malesuada, vel ultrices purus accumsan. Nunc a viverra nunc. Cras id elit diam. Curabitur volutpat tortor ut ullamcorper laoreet. Phasellus sed tincidunt erat, nec elementum purus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut elementum malesuada arcu non commodo. Mauris sit amet lacinia nulla. Pellentesque vestibulum ultricies odio nec pellentesque. Pellentesque ornare, diam ac semper iaculis, nulla dui gravida ante, eget vulputate justo tortor in risus. Aliquam elit dui, maximus nec leo a, hendrerit lobortis magna. Vivamus pulvinar tempor magna et luctus. Donec ut velit pulvinar, efficitur ligula quis, convallis risus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean eu tortor consectetur, suscipit velit ac, egestas nunc. Duis est est, ullamcorper in consectetur vitae, gravida et augue. Curabitur id arcu iaculis turpis ornare vestibulum eget at neque. Cras fermentum turpis in lectus malesuada, vel ultrices purus accumsan. Nunc a viverra nunc. Cras id elit diam. Curabitur volutpat tortor ut ullamcorper laoreet. Phasellus sed tincidunt erat, nec elementum purus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut elementum malesuada arcu non commodo. Mauris sit amet lacinia nulla. Pellentesque vestibulum ultricies odio nec pellentesque. Pellentesque ornare, diam ac semper iaculis, nulla dui gravida ante, eget vulputate justo tortor in risus. Aliquam elit dui, maximus nec leo a, hendrerit lobortis magna. Vivamus pulvinar tempor magna et luctus. Donec ut velit pulvinar, efficitur ligula quis, convallis risus.

“What a disaster!
Distract me from the world ending around me”


  • Chain smoker; can't walk up a flight of stairs without sounding like he's fighting for his life
  • Hates his job and all his coworkers
  • Will not answer to Zach or any nickname whatsoever
  • Hates animals, dogs especially
  • Gets cold easily - unsurprisingly, hates winter
  • Honestly just hates a lot of things





Zacharie's interest in Alfonse was always conditional and it should come to no surprise that, once Zacharie began feeling that Alfonse could not satisfy his need for control, he began to lose interest. Unfortunately for him, Alfonse had developed an obsession (love, he calls it) with Zacharie. He has pushed Alfonse aside countless times but every time he does Alfonse comes back and as Zacharie does not have any particularly strong feelings about him either way... Well, the two live together, and Zacharie does not mind the fact it does not seem like that will stop any time soon. Nor does he mind the fact that Alfonse seems to genuinely want them to be a loving couple.


inspiration tag

layout © tewro

images © psychopath-fox, usotsuki-san, neonnobody, twistedcell, dsblackmetal, evanidvs, compulsive, behzad ghaffarian, depression-took-over-my-liiife

background © patternvomit