Claude's Comments

hello! I used to own this girl and I suddenly find myself in a position where I rather miss her design and Im wondering if I could bribe you with some da points and art for her? :0

aA it’s kinda hard because she has one of my favorite artworks ; ;

But you’re welcome to offer! I don’t rlly use such designs anymore

aw heck I understand! there's always at least one piece of art with a character that you are especially fond of haha I can offer 1.2k pts and 1 bust (ferals and human works), 1 full (feral), and 1 chibi (feral and human works) you can look at my art through my instagram here;

I don’t use points anymore sadly! qoq

all good! I don't have any cash atm so if you ever want to consider pts again lmk!