Ioani Torres



5 years, 11 months ago


"Before you're found, you need to be lost."

  • Name ||Ioani Torres
  • Called ||Io
  • Age ||19
  • DoB ||March 8, 2001
  • Gender ||Female
  • Pronouns ||she/her
  • Sexuality ||Bisexual
  • Race ||Filipino
  • Origin ||Philippines
  • Occupation ||Student
  • Status ||In a relationship


⇀ Description

Ioani is a shy girl whenever she first meets someone. She's awkward and quiet and fidgets a lot whenever she tries to think of something to say. She's an introvert and she used to suffer from depression and still suffers from anxiety.She doesn't have a lot of close friends but when she's close to a person, her loud and boisterous self appears and it would often make them say "I thought you were a quiet person." When she's fully comfortable with someone, she tends to talk a lot. Babbling about whatever and wherever. She loves to talk about anything and everything and could jump from memes to death in a second. She's a foodie and would always say yes to anything edible (unless it's absolutely putrid to her taste buds). She hates people asking for her food so if she gives you some, that means she likes you.

She's a fiery girl trapped in a small body. She wouldn't hesitate on headbutting someone who'll tease her height. Often times, she's punched people who catcalls her in public. "Ah Philippines, the land of perverts." she would mumble to herself. Although she tries to restrain herself, sometimes it would just be too much for her and she'd blow up. Despite that attitude, she's actually an affectionate person and would glomp her friends at random moments.

⇀ Stats















⇀ Preferences


  • Food
  • Cats
  • Anime
  • Literature
  • Conspiracy Theories


  • Annoying people
  • Crowds
  • Parties
  • Isolation
  • Horror


⇀ Description

  • Height ||5'2"
  • Build ||On the chubbier side
  • Eyes ||Dark brown, almost black
  • Skin tone ||Fair
  • Hair color || Raven black
  • Hair style || Often loose
  • Demeanor ||Agreeableness, Neuroticism
  • Style || Casual
  • Important Notes ||
    • She's blind without her glasses.
    • Although she prefers having her hair loose, she loves putting it up in a high ponytail
    • She doesn't like too revealing or too tight clothes

⇀ Moodboard



⇀ Younger Years

She was born in the city of royalties, Davao on the eighth of March, year 2001. She was raised there and studied there until she had to move to the Queen city of the South, Cebu when she was in second grade. There she was thrown into quite a challenge as she couldn't understand most of the dialect, finding it foreign. She had to quickly learn so as not to be confused whenever she talks to her fellow classmates.

⇀ Junior Highschool

Junior highschool in the Philippines consisted of the seventh up to tenth grades. Her seventh grade started in a new school, a state university of Cebu. She was thrown in a whole new environment and little did she know that her life would be fucked up after it. Her eighth grade had started off well until she developed a relationship with someone, causing her to fail in giving her friends more time as she was too focused on him. That mistake caused her to lose her group of friends from seventh grade and that was only the start of the many dramas ahead.

The end of her eighth grade consisted of a breakup, her ex somehow cheating on her with her best friend at that time. It caused her another round of heartache and her walls only grew sturdier, her trust issues spiking up even more after that. She entered ninth grade without so much as a hello from anyone. The first few weeks, she spent alone and albeit she felt like she was going to breakdown at any point soon. Until a couple of girls approached her and took her under their wing.

Ninth grade went by without a tear falling and all was great, or so she thought. The summer after ninth grade, she felt herself relieving the worst and she felt it's toll weighing her down. She felt empty and lost and angry. But most of all, she felt her whole self-esteem crash down to the ground. She began to doubt herself. She began to think she would never be good enough and everyone was only going to leave her. Those emotions led her to talking to people online, strangers from all around the world. And those emotions, those emotions led her to do things that she never thought she would. One of the people she talked online with met her in person and well, you can say that things went out of control.

She knew something was wrong during the start of tenth grade. Her friends seemed close and yet they seemed distant. She would have trouble relating to their conversations, always feeling as if she was the only one in the group who knew nothing of what they were talking about. During the second semester of her tenth grade, she had opened up to her group of friends about how she felt out of place, about how she felt like she wasn't of any relevance to them anymore. To her surprise, when she came to see them again, they wouldn't talk to her. They wouldn't even greet her. Another group left her and she couldn't help but blame herself all over again. Her overthinking grew worse, her pessimism grew worse, her family problems weren't helping her breathe. She had relapsed. Again and again, even after promising one of her closest friends online, Isaac Villanueva, that she wouldn't do it again. Again and again.

As tenth grade grew to a close, her relationships with her classmates only grew worse. They would purposely isolate her, treat her as if she wasn't even there. The first few days that happened, she had always cried herself to sleep and her depressed state didn't improve. But now, as her moving up ceremony fast approaches, she couldn't be bothered to give a shit anymore. It felt like she could finally breathe when she received her junior high diploma. A weight that was on her chest suddenly relieved itself and things couldn't get better when she found herself in a relationship with Isaac. Slowly but surely, she was back to her cheerful self, trying her best not to fall back to the clutches of depression and self-harm.

⇀ Senior High

To be written.
