

1 year, 1 month ago


Elegy he/him boything octoling 

completely blind since birth due to his albinism. has beyond excellent hearing though. he says he hasn’t missed a single shot. (he might be lying but who knows. this guy‘s too creepy to hold a conversation with so you’ll just let it be.)

his albinism gets in the way of his ink intake, and can only hold a little at a time. needs to refill often. only the colored patches of his hair are capable of changing color, the white parts will stay white forever. if he cuts his hair shorter the amount of ink he can hold will shrink with it, so he likes to keep his hair long.

intense & aggressive e-liter user. his e-liter has a scope but he can’t use it haha. he typically hides in one spot and won’t let anyone get close, but if they manage to get to him he‘ll stay put and accept his fate. running is a hassle and is hard on his joints.

”escaped” sanitation. will not talk about it. if you ask him about it he will tell you that you’re just crazy and you need to stop making things up.

something is off about him and he has a bad personality. doesn’t have many friends. 

other than being rude and no fun to talk to, he is generally calm and gentle. 

his mobility aids change color with his ink!!! yay!!! (sometimes he has a walker when he’s out in public. it’s decorated with weird stickers of the past. other times he has a wheelchair for days of extra pain.) 

he is also disabled in his swim form, and travels through ink slower than what‘s normal for your average joe. (he doesn’t usually go in his swim form since he can’t take his crutches with him, but he has expressed excitement about retirement to swim-form permanently)

knows sock and fucking hates her