


1 year, 1 month ago


Cimontton God of Sleep, Divination

Name Cimontton, 'Cimon'
Age 700 million (4/16)
Gender cisgender man
Pronouns he/him
Species Godbeing
Sexuality Queer

The sheepskinned personification of Sleep that connects the Living and the Dead. Cimon eternally wanders both the Mortal and Godly realms, projecting his dreams onto his immediate surroundings as he goes. The beautiful, surreal landscapes this causes are utterly non-physical and harmless.

(Unless he happens to experience a nighterror- the reason he has Ye Olde Restraining Order against the God of Fear.)

Although asleep, he is not unaware. What he's dreaming about will change as he reacts to the waking world: a vague and symbolic means of communication. This was the genesis of dream interpretation and all other kinds of divination. Human seers would approach him with tributes, read The Signs for wisdom, and therefore after be blessed with prophetic dreams. An object of awe and fear, legend states that whoever wakes the Sleepwalking God will end the world.

If you were to come across him while you're asleep on the Dream Path, however... He's a total sweetheart! Goofy, hyperactive, athletic, and talkative. His body wanders as his true self dreams of obstacle courses and hopping fences. His not-so-secret secret? He's a terrible gossip. He'll tell everyone's business to anyone; even if that business includes future events or messages from dead loved ones. Whoops!