Alaina's Comments

Hii!! Would you do pings on this character if you ever put if for resale? Or if you could let me know if you're taking any offers at all šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ

Iā€™d take offers! :D šŸ’•

Awesome! Does anyone in this folder catch your fancy?

I'm willing to part with multiples!

If none catches your fancy, how much in money are you looking for? Although I don't get paid until the 5th qwq

None really interested me! But Iā€™m also willing to take money and or art! ^^ I bought her for around 25-30$ if I remember right but Iā€™m also willing to take art!

I can do $25 in two days from now!

But if an art offer sounds more interesting to you, I can only do physical art, so I wouldn't be able to ship it TwT However, if you're okay with pictures only, I could make two little portraits like these under the spoiler toggle!



Omg that would be great! The sculptures are so cool! I just needs pics! :)Ā 

Could you do and

:33 šŸ’•

2 Replies