↣Bon Bon↢



6 years, 1 month ago


.:|BonBon Bunny|:.


BonBon Bunny was born a normal Rabbit at the Northern side of The Empire. The forest he was born in was a hunting grounds so he was always on the run when he finally knew how to hop away quickly. 

One day when he was trying to make a shelter, he was captured by a mage who was trying to find creatures to test a new potion on.

The Mage took BonBon deeper into the forest, to an area where no one dare go into, until the mage arrived at his home. The Mage locked BonBon in a cage and tested on many other animals, many sadly turning into terrible creatures, until it was BonBon's turn.

The Mage hoped to turn him into another terrible creature since many other's did before him but the Mage did not expect what was about to happen.

Instead of turning into a creature that could kill the Mage, BonBon turned into a human child with rabbit ears, tail, and eyes. The Mage saw that the boy was still a rabbit so he decided to keep the child and raise BonBon as his own.

After a few years of being together, the Mage decided to take BonBon to see the Empire.

BonBon agreed. 

They traveled to the Empire and there, BonBon met the tyrant's son, Micheal.

BonBon and the prince became good friends but they slowly started to fall in love.


  • Quiet
  • Calm
  • Always alert
  • Curious

 Fun Facts 

  • Doesn't really like loud sounds
  • Loves to race
  • Very curious about the humans
  • Has bitten the Mage once
  • People have seen him in the forest before he went to the Empire
  • Micheal is actually allergic to BonBon but the Mage has helped him stop his allergies
  • BonBon has survived many times but he doesn't leave without any markings
  • Loves Veggies and Fruits but gets sick when he eats meat
  • Sneezes a lot during the Spring from flower pollen