


6 years, 21 hours ago


The pharaoh sandburrs are a larger species of snake faced dragons native to the chilly central American wastelands. They typically can be found around small oasis or migrating across the sand, although some have settled down in large cave systems or around ruins. Pharaoh sandburrs are surprisingly social - They usually live in close pods of up to ten, and can amass in the hundreds around water, although many pods will migrate between water sources to avoid coming into conflict with other dragons. They tend to stay for a week or so, during which they might trade, socialize, and repair equipment before moving on.

The gilded family was different. Instead of wandering, they stayed rooted to a river, maintaining the ecosystem and managing the community that had built up around them. The bloodline had a reputation for being prickly and fierce, but great and respectable water keepers. It wasn't uncommon to see massive blue and gold dragons striding up and down the banks, keeping a keen eye on visitors and residential beasts alike. That was, until a rival group moved in, and took the gilded dragons by surprise.

Rumor has it that only the cubs survived, and have been scattered to the cold dunes. Allegro, Treble, Strofa, and Crescendo have never been seen since. 


Kingdom: Animalia

Clade: Synapsida

Phylum: Chordata

Subpylum: Neosynapsida

Order: Neotharapsida

Suborder: Dragona

Suborder: Lepidotrichiaptyrex

Family: Fiditops

Subfamily: Trooistriacus

Genus: Trooistriacus

Species: egyptiacus

Common names: Pharaoh Sandburr

    Wind howled outside, and the patter of sand on the walls and roof echoed quietly in the dim space. Smells both familiar and strange met her as she entered, and hundreds of tiny animal tracks crisscrossed the sand, but everything was just as she'd left it.
The dragon dropped her bags and ambled to the back of the shelter. Her wings and chest were weak, and her paws felt raw from travel, but she was pleased with the distance covered. A pained groan escaped her as she slowly collapsed into a pile of dry grass - the same grass she'd slept on last season. Maybe it was time for some fresh bedding, but she was to tired to think of that now. She curled up and heaved a heavy sigh.
Half way there.

     Normally she wouldn't allow herself deep sleep. Most shelters were to close to water for safety, and who knows what other dragons had used them along their own migrations.
This one was safe though. She had dug it out herself, and she had thoughtfully hid it deep in the sand dunes. The sand above her hid her heat profile perfectly, and the cacti at the entrance kept the opening from radiating warmth out into the earning air.

     Her eyes fell shut, and she let her attention fade from what her eyes could se, to what her muzzle could see.
There wasn't much to look at, just the nice cool dirt inside, and the rising heat outside.
A beetle crawled in from the sun and clumsily pushed it's self up the wall. It's body cooled as it went until it was nearly invisible.
A warm blooded creature stirred outside. A small coyote, or perhaps a large badger.
The dragon reminded herself that she didn't need to watch them so closely and let her mind wander.
Sleep was hard. Years of survival had made the pharaoh over vigilant.
She thought about the changing terrain waiting for her ahead, the water reservoir hidden under her paws, and the cacti that obscured her shelter. She wondered if the recent rain had made it this far. Maybe she would over them some water when it got dark again.

     Sand crunched nearby. The dragon's ears perked up, but she tried to ignore it. A mammalian smell inched it's way in, and there was a small ruckus as some warm blooded creature started digging through her bags.
The audacity. Clearly what ever critter had made such an awful decision was either not very preceptive or very desperate. The dragon opened her eyes and slowly looked up from her comfortable coil, expecting an adorable fuzzy dessert beast.
Instead her eyes fell on the most bazaar creature she'd ever seen. It was a primate of some sort, with very little fur and no tail, and it sat crouched with both hands in one bag and both eyes already locked on hers. She stayed silent and watched it for a moment, waiting for it to run away. The thief watched her right back.
     "Well, go on."
It started to dig though her things again.
     "Hey! Get out of here. Run away!" The dragon pulled her stiff body onto her feet and extended to her full height.
Her visitor seemed unfazed. It located the cactus fruits and snatched one out.
     "Are you kidding me? Get out of my stuff!" She flared her wings and took a step forward. That would surly spook it.
The creature snatched up something small and pointed it at her. There was a snap sound, and glob of liquid splattered across her snout and eyes.
     A horrible burning sensation followed. The dragon let out an angered snort and leaped back. She franticly whipped her face with both forepaws, but thick gel coated her paws as she tried to clear her eyes. Awful peppery fumes filled her nostrils and burned her heat pits. It seeped between her scales and stung the tiny scratches left from travel.

Ready to light things on fire, she forced her eyes open and glanced around the room for the culprit.
The creature was gone, along with all of her cactus fruit.

She huffed, sneezed, rubbed her eyes again, and shook herself off. Just one more thing she would have to deal with in the evening.