


1 year, 1 month ago


Look What You Made Me Do
Taylor Swift

1:16 3:11

Maine Coon | Female | 57 moons

✦ But she never forgave, and swore to never forget... ✦

  • Revenge
  • Killing
  • Manipluation
  • Koistar
  • Starclan
  • Her siblings

I don't like your perfect crime, how you laugh when you lie ...

Voice Claim: Taylor Swift
Destructive Manipluative Evil

(Living) When she was alive, and before her corruption Sagewhisker was highly ambitous, always wanting to be the best and makibn sure she was, no matter the cost. She was left alone and feared by her clan, and she would snap easily. She was known for her quick wit and temper, but still respected as an powerful warrior. After becoming the Host of Dark, however she became even more secluded, and would wander through the forests at noght, coming back with blood stained on her fur. She would flinch at the slightest disturbance, and other cats began to tease her, saying " You look like a ghost's haunting you!"

(Deceased) However, once she arrived in the Dark Forest she became cruel and bloodthirsty. She enjoyed killing, and would terrorize the clans. She laughed at the thought of pain and death, and would watch cats battle to the drath fir her own entertainment. It went so far, that she would use kits as a host to use so she could kill more cats .






You said the gun was mine, isn't cool no I don't like you...

Tall | Stocky | Antagonistic

AviCat | Ziranah |  $$$


Sagewhisker is a tall, stocky multicolored brown she cat. She had a lighter chest and stomach area, along with stripes on her face, and tail. There are darker patches along her back and splattered on her legs. Her paws are a light color, and she has two jagged scars along her left shoulder.

Important Notes
  • When she is being possesed, or possesing someone her eyes turn a bloody red.
  • She is a Maine Coon, so she is bigger then the average cat.
  • The scars on her shoulder are not optional.

"But I got smarter I got harder in the nick of time...

"There is no good ad evil. There is only power, and those too weak to seek it..."

Sagewhisker was kitted in Leafbare along with her sister Fallenstar to Dawnstar (deceased) and Moonbreeze (deceased). She was always outcasted by the other kits because of her heterochromatic eyes, which they found weird and creepy. She soon began to grow jealous of her sister, who was always hanging out with Velvetfield . She also started to hate Koistar, who at the time was extremely popular along the kits. Sagewhisker would leave dead rats and roaches thst she killed in nests of other kits out of pure spite, despite being scolded often for her actions.


Sagewhisker was apprenticed to Violetshine, and quickly rose up in the ranks, prooving herself to be a capable hunter, and soon has learned more battle moves then some of the warriors. She began to grow ever so ambitous, and when Velvetfield beat her in a hunting contest was so angry that during a battle she shoved the she-cat to the ground, resulting in Velvetfield getting a terrible scar along her back. She became feared by the other apprentices, and was always alone. She soon met a passing Rouge named Red and became good friends with him. Red joined the clan, and Sagewhisker found herself catching feeligs for him. However, a moon later Red dissapeared and Sagewhisker was devastated to find Red standing over her fathers corpse. In a fury, she slit Red's throat, and flung him into the gorge.

Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time ...

"When everyone saw me as their villain, I was in the shadows as their savior. And no one saw."..."


Ever since Kithood, Sagewhisker utterly despised Koistar.She hated how Koistar was so popular amoung the others, and how all the other cats would ignore her in favor of Koistar. She would often leave dead rats and roachs in Koistars nest out of pure spite. As apprentices, Sagewhisker would go out of her way to scare the prey from where Koistar was hunting, and trip or push her during battles. She relished that she was made a warrior before Koistar, but soon the two were fighting for the position of deputy, which Sagewhisker did not get. When Dark murdered her kits Koistar exiled her, and Sagewhisker plotted her revenge, which she failed to get when she was alive, killing herself in a final act of defiance against the clans, and Dark. In the Forest, she was finally able to hit Koistar where it hurt most, using Fallenstar to kill her two kits, and drive the one that was left alive mad.



Once Fallenstar was dead, Sagewhisker used Dreamkit as her host so she could access the living world. She blinded the kit in her left eye as a way of marking her as her host, and would terrorize Dreamkit in her sleep, making her think she killed someone she loved. She cared not for Dreamkit, and enjoyed making her suffer, and feel pain.