


1 year, 1 month ago


design notes: he has freckles and a beauty mark on his collarbone :> gay gay gay homosexual gay. dating petrel, proton, und archer from team rocket pokemon. he are also a team rocket executive . he is flying trainer from kalos but then turned evil for inexplicable reasons. he worked part time as a stuntman and likes to do crazy ass stunts from time to time! as for what he actually does in Team Rocket uh. nobody really knows? you know that joke whee 'everyone knows dave'? hes dave. oh boss you wanna set up a meeting with the leader of team plasma? sure- knew that guy back in college. oh you need the league to hop off your back? well the champion lance owes me a favor, let him know you're with me, i got this. he somehow has connections with just about everyone and yet refuses to tell How. personality wise hes tamer than proton and petrel but more silly than archer. he likes to disappear on little journeys with his pokemon (and boyfriend/s) with no heads up whatsoever. helios can be very snarky and sarcastic and has a hard time figuring out when hes gone too far. thankfully his boyfriends are ALSO assholes who dont take anything personally and will be just as sarcastic back