
6 years, 1 month ago
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"I never really gave up on breakin' out of this two-star town;"

Basics: Rust is a hard-working messenger. His job is to bring messages between the northern and central kingdoms, a duty he values above all others. His job takes him on journeys through the mountains, allowing him to wander, something he adores. He spent his youth trapped inside the town walls by overprotective parents, meaning that the chance to wander now is the greatest gift he's been given. He is very independent, hating to be tied down for long.

Obtained via custom design from designer for $5

No selling for more than purchase price, must notify designer before trading/gifting/selling

Drawing notes: Rust should be drawn with his scarf. His design is not symmetrical, so be certain to follow his reference carefully. Merle does not need to be exact but should be close to the reference.

"I got the green light; I got a little fight; I'm gonna turn this thing around."

【 Name 】 Rust 【 Gender 】 Male
【 Age 】 27 【 D.o.B. 】 November 3rd
【 Alignment 】 Lawful Neutral 【 Race 】 Australian Shepherd
【 Role 】 Messenger 【 Theme 】 Read My Mind

【 Charisma 】
【 Kindness 】
【 Confidence 】
【 Integrity 】
【 Intelligence 】
【 Judgement 】
【 Maturity 】
【 Humor 】

Rust is a red merle Australian shepherd. He is in the small side, with thick and fluffy fur. As he is used to be braving the wilds alone, his appearance tends to be on the rough side. His fur is rarely groomed or cleaned. He has a knitted scarf that he always wears around his neck; it is very important to him, and it is rare to see him without out unless he is cleaning it.


Rust lives in the medieval world. The land is made of many spread-out kingdoms; with the central European-style kingdoms a mountain range away from the smaller tribe-like kingdoms of the north. There is no easy way between the lands, and communication is difficult. They are isolated, the mountains wild and untamed. Rust was born into the central kingdoms.


Rust is a messenger. He is one of the few forces connecting the northern and central kingdoms. His role is to take important news and messages between kingdoms of the north and central lands, braving the mountain ranges alone to bring information. Due to the dangers of this job, he spends much time alone, making the journey by himself to avoid the risk to others. Occaisionally he is also asked to help dignitaries and others between the kingdoms of the north and south.

Rust is a wanderer. He is the sort of personality that absolutely hates any attempt to tie him to any one thing, whether that be a place or a companion. In this way, he is very independent, always choosing to forage a new path rather than rely on a given way. He is not necessarily an adventurer, lacking, the boldness to really try the entirely new and risky way. However, he simply hates when he must be tied down. He gets very upset and jumpy when forced to remain in one spot for too long, and has a slight fear of crowded spaces. He is not the sort of personality to simply ignore the words or orders of others, but will not stand for anyone trying to tie him down. He is someone who, to a degree, struggles with friendship. He is generally moving around too much to remain with one person, making a relationship entirely out of the question for him. He strongly prefers to be on his own, and doesn't really feel the need for friendship.

Rust is friendly and businesslike, but not warm. He dislikes spending too much time in deep conversation, preferring to do something practical than talk about meaningless things. He doesn't care for the theoretical or make-believe, instead preferring the empirical. He can be friendly though, just in a working setting rather than a casual one. He works well with others despite not enjoying it, and will do what he can to make group work go by faster. He is a leader of sorts, good at taking charge and delegating, though he dislikes being thrust into a leader role. His conversations are straightforward and to the point, and his mannerisms direct. He will say what he needs to, without feeling the need to beat around the bush or be nice about it. He does best when he is given the autonomy to do as he wishes without being constrained by the wills of others.

Rust cares most about his job. He knows well that he has been lucky to get the placement he got, and as such, will do anything he can to preserve it. He works his hardest at it, without second thought or thought for himself. He gets along well without needing to stop and take care of himself or take time for himself. For him, time for himself can be found during the journey. He has a deep love of the wander, the journey he takes between the kingdoms he works for. Though he sees it as a very important duty to make it on time, he simply loves the way. He gets to travel through snowy mountains, full of gorgeous views and new sights every time he makes the journey.


Rust was born into the central kingdoms. His parents were well-off, meaning he had an easy and relatively straight-forward youth; he was raised under the guidance of tutors and any other teachers he needed. He had everything he needed or wanted, though his parents were rich merchants, meaning that they were often travelling. He found himself closer to his tutors than to his own parents. His parents, not having much time off of work to spend on parenting, adopted strict rules, not understanding how mature he was. At all times, he was to remain within the town walls unless under direct guidance of the family's guard. That meant no adventure, no wandering, and more importantly, no playing with the other children of the town who went to go romp in the woods late into the evening. Rust was under too careful of watch by tutors and maids to run off on his own, and so he had little chance to even try.

Rust found himself starting to resent the town. He didn't hate his parents, but he found himself hating the rules they imposed which both isolated and imprisoned him. He had wandered through every part of the town, new every pebble and blade of grass. He was sheltered, never allowed to so much as trip without his parents chiding him for being too rash and clumsy. As soon as he was old enough to leave, he did. As he had come to dislike the subjects taught by his tutors but was never allowed to be apprenticed, he had no true skills, unwilling to pursue further education or become a merchant under his parents in the same little town. So, he left, and looked for a way of life that would allow him to wander. He couldn't imagine ever settling in one place for any length of time.

Rust was lucky to stumble across the messenger's guild, a group whose job was to move information between kingdoms. To him, nothing sounded better than the chance to explore beyond his own kingdom, to go further than he had ever imagined in his youth and spend a life of travel. He was given the pathway between the central and northern lands, a job requiring him to travel multiple day's worth of walking every week or so. The former messenger assigned to this post decided to give up the job to start a family, and Rust decided to take it. He was guided on the journey once, then began running the route himself. It has been his life since, one of work and travel which he adores. He loves to stay on the move, and is very satisfied with his life.
