Ashton Adams



8 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Ashton Kelp (Ash)








Junk food, video games, night time


Being told what to do, work, waking up early, being insulted about his intelligence



  He's a lazy butt. Ash is a hardcore gamer and he mooches off his lonely insomniac roomate. He will constantly complain about how annoying and long his hair is but won't go and get it cut. He pretty much refuses to wear pants and his sleeping patterns are beyond messed up, causing the forever present dark circles. He looks out for himself and refuses to follow orders. He doesn't care much for people and has no problem manipulating them to get what he wants. He is incredibly stubbon and insecure about his intelligence even though he tries not to show it, he'll get very defensive and agressive if it seems like you're insulting his intelligence. 


  His biological mom’s life was a wreck.  Christine lived in the shadow of her clearly more successful twin along with her bad decision-making skills led her to alcohol and drug abuse, seeking toxic relationships with various men. Eventually she got pregnant and marijuana use during her pregnancy made Ash develop learning difficulties. Shortly after he was born his mom murdered someone in a DUI and was penalized 15 years in jail. She signed over custody of Ashton to her sister, Elise who was incapable of having children and had been trying to have a baby for years with her husband. Elise and Richard were very successful and worked hard to maintain a good image. Due to Christine being a family embarrassment and also as an attempt to hide their shame from their “failure” of having their own children, they decided to keep Ashton’s true identity a secret from him and raised him as if he were their own.

  His parents had really high standards and were fairly cold people who expressed their affection in gifts and favors rather than hugs and I-love-yous. Ashton struggled to keep up with their expectations and tried his best to please them throughout his childhood. School had always presented a challenge due to his learning difficulties which made him feel very insecure. He felt like he was stupid and a disappointment to his parents because he could never get the highest scores.

  He was sixteen when his biological mom showed up, now free from jail, claiming she made a mistake and wanted to have her son back. Discovering the truth Ashton felt completely betrayed by his parents and rejected them completely. They sent Christine away and didn’t let him see her saying that he was a minor and still had to obey his parents.

  Christine died shortly after from a drug overdose and Ashton never forgave his parents for that. He went into a downwards spiral after the whole situation. He stopped trying altogether due to his angry rebellion against his parents and feeling incapable of ever reaching their standards even if he tried. He accepted his failure as a side-effect from his biological mom and that he might as well embrace it. This led to skipping class, failing to do any work, experimenting with substances, losing the shallow “friends” he had once word got out about him being adopted and the story behind his biological mom as well as getting into several fights in school with kids who made fun of him for it. His parents went crazy trying to keep their image and clean up after their son’s mess by bribing members of the school. Despite this, he was flunking and ended up repeating junior year. He was set on dropping out of high school but his parents would let that happen over their dead bodies and sent him to a strict all-boys boarding school to finish his studies.

  He refused to play by his parent’s rules and developed manipulative tactics to get people to do his work for him. He basically became a prostitute for several closeted gays on campus in exchange for their academic services. He didn’t care for any of the rich kids there but put up a charming and likeable front to win them over. Popularity was the currency of the realm and if he wanted to survive he had to have people on his side.

  After he graduated he returned home and his parents were pleased, thinking he had turned over a new leaf and back on track. However once he got home he continued the charade to mooch off of his parents and stay at home doing nothing but gaming for months on end on the promise that he’d be going to college at any moment. Once his parents caught on they became furious with him and kicked him out of the house and cutting off any financial aid he was receiving from them until he got a job and grew up or went to college.

  Refusing to do as he was told he found an ad of a guy looking for a roommate. He had an interview with Noah and was accepted into the apartment.  He was far easier to manipulate than Ash could have imagined and in no time he was living rent-free, jobless and pantless, gaming and snacking as he saw fit with no one to complain in exchange for keeping Noah company and occasionally sleeping with him. He acts as if he’s just lazy and doesn’t want to do anything with his life when in reality he thinks he’s too stupid to be successful and has given up on himself.