C.C. Button & Novalis



11 months, 28 days ago


*will upload images later!

Species: Human (C.C.) + Demon (Novalis) (labeled an Incubus)
Age: Early 30s, ???
Pronouns: She/him (C.C.), Him/they/it (Novalis)

Family and Relationships: Wayne (friend), Alec (friend?)

Button (often called C.C.) is a woman willingly possessed by Novalis; they have a sort of symbiotic relationship. C.C. doesn't reveal too much about herself and overly relies on Novalis.
Novalis is possibly one of the oldest characters in the entire cast – if not the oldest, even; but the “current” him doesn’t feel like they’ve been around that long as it has revived after years of sleep many times. They're comparable to a middle aged man who acts like he’s a geezer while simultaneously being pretty in-touch with current times. Novalis strangely has a lot of sympathy for humans and tries to save them in his own way. He sees himself as weak on his own so he also hides among them – though he can be vain.

Hobbies: Giving people advice
Likes: Fulfilling desires
Dislikes: Dream-crushers

Alec and Wayne meet, and eventually defeat the two during an investigation. They were asked to look into C.C.'s disappearance and stumble upon the mass kidnapping Novalis had been planning. Novalis reveals it meant no harm, only wanting to give the missing people happy dreams.
Afterwards, they began working as an unofficial “counselor”.

C.C., overwhelmed and resentful with her life, met Novalis at her lowest point and let him take over. She was once a wife.


  • Possesses strength more powerful than a human.
  • Able to lock people into dreams of their own desires.
  • Feeds off of desires and can somewhat manipulate emotions (prefers yearning).
  • Can sprout extra arms

More Facts

  • Gets along with Wayne surprisingly well.
  • Scared of Velvet and Orval.