


1 year, 18 days ago


((i had to delete and reshare because I forgor to add the designer & i freaked out LOL )) 

Aurelia, she/her

Working on her backstory still but it's basically as follows:

TW: DEATH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

When her best friend dies, Aurelia is convinced that it's some kind of murder. Trying to solve this crime, though, Aurelia dies herself. However, she manages to enlist the help of a manager of death (there are these managers who listen to people's life stories and then guide them to this glowing door. no one knows what's beyond the door.) and keeps searching for the murderer. The murder plot just gets bigger and bigger the deeper she looks- first she thinks its her friend's boyfriend, then its an organization, then its the government... But then, just when Aurelia knows she's onto something, she realizes that there's a massive plot hole in the conspiracy. Reality comes crashing back in- her friend is dead, and it's no one's fault. She realizes that, along the way, all that she's really learned about her friend is how little she truly knew her. All the people Aurelia spoke with had different opinions on her friend, and each one revealed something- big or small- about her friend that Aurelia never knew. So in the end, Aurelia finds peace with this, and steps through the glowing door herself.

annnnd thats the jist but there's a lot more haha