
2133083.1415597961.avatar.pngF I R E

== Female - Child - Mortal (Primal) - Too Young - Too Young - Novice Jewel ==


limited ⇢ primal subspecies

⇢ common claws
⇢ common hair
⇢ uncommon nose shape
⇢ uncommon fangs
⇢ uncommon ears
⇢ uncommon muzzle shape
⇢ rare fur {chin tuft, cheek fur, primal mane + belly fur}
⇢ limited novice primal jewel

uncommon ⇢ minor ear edit {tufts}
uncommon ⇢ tongue edit
uncommon ⇢ leg tufts
uncommon ⇢ sun crystal growths
common ⇢ sclera color
common ⇢ single jewel color {orange - fire powers}
non-rarity ⇢ expression


Though young, Zoot has very good control over her powers and hasn't accidentally set fire to anything for years. Instead, she intentionally sets fire to things! Zoot mainly functions as a 'lamplighter' of sorts, going around as dusk gathers and setting all the camp's watch-fires alight. It's a job that she inherited from her father, and will someday pass on to her eldest child. Fire gem or no - her family has worked as watch-Simas for generations! The fact her magic helps make her rounds easier is just a bonus! Her powers also come in handy during harvest season. Just before her tribe picks up stakes and goes south for the winter, the few crops they raise are harvested and whatever's left in the fields is torched. Zoot and the other fire-wielding Simas of the tribe are in charge of this. They space themselves evenly around the perimeter of the fields and set several small, controlled fires which burn inward, meet in the middle, then go out. This sort of burning cleanses the earth and clears the way for next year's crops. The nutrients in the ash are easier for the soil to absorb, so more of what has been taken is returned! This, paired with crop rotation and leaving different sectons of the fields fallow at different times, has ensured that Zoot's tribe has always had plenty of food to take with them on their migration! Zoot really enjoys harvest season - seeing the whole tribe come together has always give her a great sense of belonging.