Humbert Wumbleton



Based off of that god awful Huggy Wuggy Backpack from the poppy playtime merch store 😭

EDIT: THE BACKPACK IT WAS BASED OFF OF WAS TAKEN OFF THE MERCH STORE???? THEY AREN'T SELLING IT ANYMORE???? WHEN YOU LOOK UP BACKPACK IT DOESNT SHOW UP. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN... did I kill it? was it a hallucination all along? i live in fear because i do not know.


An ancient artifact from human civilization before the mass extinction. It houses and entity known simply as "Humbert Wumbleton". It contains all knowledge of the game fortnite, from the humble beginings of Epic Games, the the downfall of mankind.

It has an aura to It, Inklings and Octolings who come across Boba when she has The Backpack with her almost always have a negative reaction to It. Reactions range from finding It slightly offputting, to visceral fear and terror.

  • It/Its
  • it can speak telepathically but only to Boba
  • Can change expressions slightly (frowning, angry, etc) but it's mouth cannot open. static smiling face 99% of the time.