

1 year, 4 months ago



Melly Plinius

Survivor Profile

External Trait


Trait #1


Trait #2


Trait #3


Trait #4


Bio here ^_^

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Ad magnam natus ut molestias officiis ad harum repellat eum esse Quis aut internos enim et obcaecati aspernatur. At labore voluptas id quidem incidunt sit amet exercitationem ut earum beatae. Qui voluptatem dignissimos ad officiis iste et reprehenderit excepturi aut asperiores fugit in rerum eveniet aut fugiat tenetur!

In perferendis vitae quo illo natus aut ipsum rerum vel ullam recusandae est iusto dolore et galisum quibusdam in quidem eveniet. Eos nostrum voluptas sed perspiciatis nisi qui ducimus asperiores aut fuga eveniet est adipisci suscipit. Qui asperiores voluptates aut asperiores quis est molestiae autem ab eligendi repellat.

Ut molestiae ipsam non corporis assumenda et esse accusamus ad porro odio et blanditiis eligendi. Et asperiores sapiente vel maxime alias ex fugit aperiam.

Page Name

All fear springs from the unknown.

Character Profession

Character Name
Character Aliases
Character Career
Character Gender
Character Nationality

Character Details

Character Birthday
Character Day
Hunter Character Day
Character Age
Character Likes
Character Dislikes

Gameplay Information

Hunter/Survivor/Other (delete two)
Camp/Chase/Map Control (select two)
External Traits
Trait 1 | Trait 2 | Trait 3
Ability 1 | Ability 2 | Ability 3
1/1.5/2/2.5/3 (select one)
Character Item


Release Date (Global)
Character Release Date
Obtained by
Character obtainment
Character Price


Original Creator
@/Designer's username here!
Voice Actors
[Character Name], also known as the [Character Profession], is a [Role]-Type and Difficulty [Level] [Faction] available for purchase after completion of the prologue. [Pronoun] is one of the [Factionamt] playable [Faction] added to Identity V.

What you see with your own two eyes

May not be the truth, either.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur volutpat convallis ligula, sed laoreet urna dignissim quis. Vivamus consectetur lorem eu volutpat suscipit. Pellentesque egestas mauris neque, vel feugiat dui laoreet sed. Suspendisse at tortor fermentum, viverra mi in, finibus dolor. Praesent blandit venenatis fringilla. Nam tincidunt dui a lectus commodo malesuada. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce sodales dui sed odio tristique imperdiet. Aliquam blandit neque lobortis, ullamcorper odio id, euismod lectus. Praesent erat felis, tristique id turpis quis, dignissim venenatis arcu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.



Press "Expand" to show the character's statistics.


  • Running Speed: 3.8 m/s
  • Walking Speed: 2.11 m/s
  • Crouch Walking Speed: 1.14 m/s
  • Crawling Speed: 0.32 m/s


  • Duration of decoding Cipher Machines: 81.0 sec
  • Regressed decoding progress from electric shock: 1.0%
  • Duration of inability to decode from electric shock: 2.0 sec
  • Time spent opening Exit Gate: 18.0 sec


  • Time spent dropping pallets: 0.73 sec
  • Time spent vaulting over pallets at high speed: 1.17 sec
  • Time spent vaulting over pallets at medium speed: 1.67 sec
  • Time spent vaulting over pallets at low speed: 2.07 sec
  • Time spent vaulting over windows at high speed: 0.87 sec
  • Time spent vaulting over windows at low speed: 1.27 sec
  • Time spent going through chests: 10.0 sec


  • Time spent healing injured Survivors: 15.0 sec
  • Time spent being healed by others: 15.0 sec
  • Self-healing time after knockdown: 30.0 sec

Normal attack:

  • Launching action for normal attack: 0.6 sec
  • Effective range of normal attack: 3.46 m
  • Duration of recovery action from missed normal attacks: 0.58 sec
  • Duration of recovery action from normal attack hits: 2.58 sec

Charged attack:

  • Launching action for charged attack: 0.98 sec
  • Effective range of charged attack: 3.63 m
  • Duration of recovery action from missed charged attacks: 0.78 sec
  • Duration of recovery action from charged attack hits: 2.78 sec


  • Duration of ballooning: 1.8 sec
  • Duration of being stunned after Survivors escaped: 5.92 sec
  • Launching action for ballooning: 0.59 sec
  • Effective range of ballooning: 2.78 m


  • Duration of footprint: 4.0 sec
  • Duration of speed boost after being hit: 2.0 sec
  • Duration of struggle while being held up: 16.0 sec
  • Rocket Chair countdown time: 60 sec
  • Time spent being rescued from Rocket Chairs: 1.0 sec
  • Fear radius: 32.07 m
  • Duration of recovery action from hitting scene objects: 1.33 sec

Tap before the Trivia section and press enter to expand this section! Your design notes as the character's creator go here!

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
  • Curabitur volutpat convallis ligula, sed laoreet urna dignissim quis. 
  • Vivamus consectetur lorem eu volutpat suscipit. 
    • Pellentesque egestas mauris neque, vel feugiat dui laoreet sed. 
  • Suspendisse at tortor fermentum, viverra mi in, finibus dolor. 
  • Praesent blandit venenatis fringilla. Nam tincidunt dui a lectus commodo malesuada. 

If this game were a stage, if every chase was a play - then, these are just the participants' masks in a masquerade, their different roles' costumes. 

Description from the Official Website

This page is a compilation of story content and Lore for the [FACTION] [character name], also known as the [character profession]. This character is one of the [factionamt] playable [FACTION] added to Identity V.

Personality Quiz

A lone rose blooms

In tranquil snow


20XX Birthday Questions:

  • Question here
  • Question here
  • Question here

Deduction Star 20XX Quotes:

  • Quote here
  • Quote here
  • Quote here

All completed Objectives reward the player with +335 Logic points for the Logic Path. After the character's deductions are completed, their Worn Clothes will be available.
Please press "Expand" to see the deduction path []
Deduction Conclusion
1. Name - Description
  • Basic Objective: Objective
  • Advance Objective 1: Objective
  • Advance Objective 2: Objective
2. Name - Description
  • Basic Objective: Objective
  • Advance Objective 1: Objective
  • Advance Objective 2: Objective
3. Name - Description
  • Basic Objective: Objective
  • Advance Objective 1: Objective
  • Advance Objective 2: Objective
4. Name - Description
  • Basic Objective: Objective
  • Advance Objective 1: Objective
  • Advance Objective 2: Objective
5. Name - Description
  • Basic Objective: Objective
  • Advance Objective 1: Objective
  • Advance Objective 2: Objective
6. Name - Description
  • Basic Objective: Objective
  • Advance Objective 1: Objective
  • Advance Objective 2: Objective
7. Name - Description
  • Basic Objective: Objective
  • Advance Objective 1: Objective
  • Advance Objective 2: Objective
8. Name - Description
  • Basic Objective: Objective
  • Advance Objective 1: Objective
  • Advance Objective 2: Objective
9. Name - Description
  • Basic Objective: Objective
  • Advance Objective 1: Objective
  • Advance Objective 2: Objective
10. Name - Description
  • Basic Objective: Objective
  • Advance Objective 1: Objective
  • Advance Objective 2: Objective

Character Introduction

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum

The Character Relations menu shows how certain characters are connected and how they feel about each other. It also contains other personal information on characters that cannot be found anywhere else. It can be found in the Notebook, under the "Clues" tab.

We can gather who was in a canon Manor Game together by information in Letters and Diaries, and very occasionally from character quotes during events. For more information on the game the character participated in, please see the character's Diaries.

Serial # Hunter Identities Survivor Identities Hunting Results Survival Results
Survivor Unknown Eliminated
Survivor Unknown Survived
Survivor Unknown Sabotaged
Survivor Unknown Gone missing
SERIAL5 Hunter
Unknown Unknown

Background From Deductions

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum

Alternate Theories and Conclusions

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum


Card Name Description Obtained by Cost
48525533_SVh4yn5oRb6iK6A.png Name(Initial Release) Description Season X Essence X N/A
48525533_SVh4yn5oRb6iK6A.png Name Description Illusion Hall 2888 Echoes/12888 Fragments


Card Name Description Obtained by Cost
48525542_6dSSTBNxIBasEpJ.png Name Description Season X Essence XMemory Sphere - Previous Seasons N/A
48525542_6dSSTBNxIBasEpJ.png Name Description Illusion Hall 4888 Fragments/ 1388 Echoes


Card Name Description Obtained by Cost
48525556_GaQecj0noQ4E4da.png Name(Initial Release) Description Season X Essence X N/A
48525556_GaQecj0noQ4E4da.png Name Description Illusion Hall 318 Echoes1188 Fragments


Card Name Description Obtained by Cost
48525588_HKkZ1sr4mwmXnQ2.png Original The original costume. Everything seems so natural. Already equipped N/A
48525588_HKkZ1sr4mwmXnQ2.png Worn Clothes All the clothes are super tattered. Was it only a game they have been through? Final Deduction Quest reward N/A
48525588_HKkZ1sr4mwmXnQ2.png Name Description Season X Essence X N/A
48525588_HKkZ1sr4mwmXnQ2.png Name Description Illusion Hall 108 Echoes438 Fragments

Non-exclusive accessories that can be worn by any hunter can be found here. The following only contains exclusive accessories.


Card Name Description Obtained by Cost
48525667_BW6zkoYlIeBgti2.png Name(Initial Release) Description Season X Rank Essence (Formerly)Memory Sphere - Previous SeasonsIllusion Hall 1888 Echoes8388 Fragments


Card Name Description Obtained by Cost
48525706_8Uxf8Lr0gK4FdTK.png Name Description Season X Rank Essence (Formerly)Memory Sphere - Previous SeasonsIllusion Hall 1068 Echoes3888 Fragments


Card Name Description Obtained by Cost
48525729_E0pbxx7HPx5HlwK.png Name Description Season X Rank Essence (Formerly)Memory Sphere - Previous SeasonsIllusion Hall 258 Echoes968 Fragments
48525729_E0pbxx7HPx5HlwK.png Name Description Event Store 80 Spy Glasses

Basic graffiti that can be used by any character can be found here. The following only contains exclusive graffiti.


Card Name Description Obtained by Cost
49833542_jl7HfSztUvNcLSN.png Name Description Event N/A
49833542_jl7HfSztUvNcLSN.png Name Description Event Store 80 Spy Glasses


Card Name Description Obtained by Cost
49833546_PxPUF9ZWLBn4cfM.png Name Description Event N/A
49833546_PxPUF9ZWLBn4cfM.png Name Description Logic Path N/A


Card Name Description Obtained by Cost
49833570_BtYA0KQcQW4QJ9p.png Name Description Event N/A
49833570_BtYA0KQcQW4QJ9p.png Name Description Logic Path Step 208 N/A

This table lists all Emotes with a unique animation obtainable for this character. Emotes that almost every character can use can also be found here.


Card Name Description Obtained by Cost
49834066_GTe4ZcFz5lygIvc.png Name Description Season X Essence XMemory Sphere - Previous Seasons N/A
49834066_GTe4ZcFz5lygIvc.png Name Description Event N/A


Card Name Description Obtained by Cost
49834071_5gz4NXzNVUQkJTP.png Name Description Season X Essence X N/A
49834071_5gz4NXzNVUQkJTP.png Name Description Rank Essence N/A


Card Name Description Obtained by Cost
49834075_ryDGMFUgqbsnhTa.png Name Description Season X Essence X N/A
49834075_ryDGMFUgqbsnhTa.png Name Description Memory Sphere - Previous Seasons N/A

This table lists all Standby Motions obtainable for this character. Standby Motions that almost every character can use can also be found here.


Card Name Description Obtained by Cost
Ready.png Name Description Season X Essence XMemory Sphere - Previous Seasons N/A
Visit.png Name Description Event N/A

Main Code by Auctioneer · Table of Contents Code by MiriamP · Based on Identity V Fandom Wiki